With the tabbard quest around the corner, ill soon have the tabbards for my next project.
These are my top two choices at the moment. Hannah seems more popular in defenses in the top 100 at the moment, but that could also be due to availability. I really love them both at 3/70. Senan with more damage and beefier fiends to all. Hannah with the speed and attack debuff to 3.
Speed is less an issue as I have Rian as well as limit broken aodhan and orla, but still a concern.
I have 1000+ sorcerer emblems and zero druid. Druid emblems for now are going towards completing the Golden pig at +9. Was a little late in truly appreciating his glory.
I don’t have Hannah, but I have heard some complaints about her when used as a tank. Her main advantage is that she is very fast on the first hit and has the fiends with the attack down ailment. Usually she is used by people that do not have Bera or Freya. But after that first hit, if you have a healer, she does not pose so many problems.
Senan is slow so he will not be a great tank either except for the very fast wars. But after he fires, you will have a much bigger problem. And in my opinion he is still better than Hannah unless he gets killed fast with tiles.
Even without knowing any roster context, I’d say Hannah first EASILY. Senan isn’t really useful outside of rush war imo. And if you have Alfrike to tank for rush war, then even more so do Hannah first.
Lots of differing opinions here. will be a tough call. I guess I can’t go wrong. Tell me, does the family bonus for Seshat make her a candidate here? I also have her at 3/70 as she arrived late for me.