Narcisa Vs. Kemeny

Lucky to pull Narcisa this portal. Still need a couple of tabards but looking ahead. Not sure who should get priority.

Other dark: Freya, Ludwig, Rayne, Amethyst, Hannah, Killhare, Lepiota.

I also have Arco and Gaillard on the gargoyle front.

Ailment heroes I use at least semi-regularly: Cleaver, Matilda, Frigg, El Naddaha, Fogg, C. Fong, 2C Leonidas, Vanda, Franz, Cinnamon after 1 more scope.

Both are sorcerers so class isn’t a factor.


  • Kemeny
  • Narcisa

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Narcisa can extend Franz’ debuffs once he fires so basically unless cleansed enemy won’t be getting rid of them. Count in mana speeding of solo heroes and passive that halves mana gain and you have a very versatile hero. AoE damage at fast is just an icing on the cake. :cake:

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I have them both and would rather prefer an second Narcisa over Kemeny. A lot of bang for a fast hero.

Thanks for all the input. Much appreciated.