Seeking active players to complete our alliance! The Deadly Assassins****9* titans need you to go to 10***

Ok I’m going now . User error with phone

Well we picked up 1 new player yesterday so now we are down to just 4 open spots. Come join us and help us climb the alliance ranks!

Nice update Murph! of course we’re always getting better - with the rare Tabard quest yesterday someone is maxing kunchen so we now have 6 teams over 4k!

Not trying to split hairs, but just pointing out…we’re on the rise and getting strong!

Come check us out!

We have a completely f2p member who built a 3900+ def team and is lvl 40+ (he beat season 2). ALL IN UNDER 9 MONTHS! Come join us if you want to know the secret ;D

We are still on the rise and still looking for a few good players to fill our alliance. Come join us!

Searching for 4 more to fill our alliance and start hitting 10* titans and more!

We need player’s or alliance merger of 6 to 8 player’s

Just to update our current status…we recently had some members bail on us to start their alliance. So we are down to 21/30…we could take an alliance of up to 10 or 11 if need be. We are using Discord now for our communication and also use in game chat a lot. We were going to get our first 10* titan next but with the members we lost we will probably drop back to 7-8* titans until we fill back up. Our requirements are basic and the same as most alliances that are serious…war is optional but if you check in to participate then we expect you to use all 6 flags. we are looking for 4 or more hits on titan and for you to communicate when you cant meet these requests due to life. The majority of our alliance is F2P , some spend a little and a few of us spend more than we care to admit…lol we just want all members to put in the same effort even if the results aren’t the same. We totally understand that players are on different levels and would never request you hit for a certain number. We are always availiable to help eachother and coach anyone on making good choices on team selection or board choices. Our immediate goal is to get to 10* titans so that as an alliance our members get more and better loot. Hope you come join us

Still looking for some new members to join our family.