We actually just had another alliance merge with us and now we are 29/30. We could probably make room for 3 strong teams at the most but I don’t want to break you guys up. We have now become very strong. Our war score jumped to over 300k. So it will be a learning curve for us these next few wars to figure out a new strategy
Still need active players
FYI…after this original post we did have a merger with another alliance and this brings us up to 26 members…so we are looking for 4 strong & active players to fill us up and we could take up to 6 if there was another small alliance that wanted to come join us. We have gotten really strong since the merge and have gone 5-2 in war. we are currently fighting a 9* titan and REALLY want to get to 10*. Come join a very quickly rising alliance and help us get to the top 100
Hi, I am not high levelled (20) but I’ve been playing religiously for a month. I haven’t been doing raids but still have over 500 trophies. I want to learn the deeper strategies of the game and want to play in a community. I have a habit of becoming addicted to games and this one has potential. I have 1700 hours in a game I’ve recently stopped playing. I’m on my own but you guys seem like a good fit! Hope you will consider me. No hard feelings if not, just chancing my arm.
Hey @Brav020 we actually have a “resting” or feeder alliance called open house-come in that would be a good fit for you at the moment I think. We are looking for players that have 30 developed cards for war and have a defense team of at least 3200 for our main alliance. If you want to join open house tell tori I sent you
Sounds good to me. Do you all hang in the same chat? Is open house the name of the alliance?
Looks like it’s invite only. IGN: Bravo_1987
I will message tori or others in the alliance to accept you
Let me know when you get in…we can add you to our slack channel if you would like…that’s where we share the most about the game with eachother
This really is a good alliance for the mid level player or the higher level that doesn’t want such the grind. We only ask to use titan and war flags. we look for activity versus having to hit a certain number. Chat is pretty good as well, lots or randomness and goofing around, but take game aspect serious when needed.
I will say have met some good people in this alliance that I’m becoming friends with.
Are you saying we’re becoming friends @BoogaBooga
Maybe time to update the original post!
Looking to fill a few spots 4-5ish
8/9* titans daily, win streak broken though we scored 4.2k, 20 members with def teams over 3000 and 7 members live in diamond
Great place to be where everyone’s contributing for the win!
Also, free life coaching included with your membership! Limited time offer
@BadMoonRising89 did you ever find a home?
Just updated it to be current @john-boy
I am an active player. Always participate in team events . Not a big fan of raids
Love to join your alliance
I found yiu guys but the John button is gray
@Gblwb1 i’m assuming its because you don’t have the 1800 trophy requirement cuz you don’t raid…which is fine. Do you have a defense team over 3200 and have 30 good cards developed for war? I will lower the cups requirement temporarily if you do.
That’s what I was working on with my last alliance
To get six good teams
ok …i’ll lower cups right now
@Gblwb1 ok come on over…whats your in game name?
@Gblwb1 I am gonna raise it back up for the time being…i don’t want to leave it open too long…let me know when your ready…I am at my desk watching the forum