Hello again,
I am doing one more attempt to find help for the S4 farming data collection project. Since last month I have managed to do 10 runs for each of the stage of province 10 normal, so now you can have a better idea what you can expect when you farm that province.
Why am I doing this? First reason is that I want to understand myself better how to farm S4 more efficiently.
Second reason is that for myself the previous data collection projects of players (some of which are not even any longer playing the game) were extremely useful and I would not have gotten where I am now in the game without this help from people whom I cannot even thank any longer. So this project is my way to pay it forward and give them my thanks.
However, I don’t have either the time or the money to buy as many flasks as I would need to intensively farm S4 when I also have the time to document it. And I have to admit that is much more motivating for me to have more people to work on this together and communicate about the project.
So if you feel so inclined to do some S4 farming and collect some data on it as you go, I would appreciate it personally and I hopefully it will be helpful for the players community at least half as other data collection projects were in the past.
Thank you!