Hey, folks. Had a bad week (had to send my best friend off to get his parts farmed for donation) (Guess what?! PEOPLE ARE WAITING FOR THE LIVERS OF FOLKS WHO’VE HAD HEP-C! Yeah, I know! But guess who wants one? SOMEONE WITH HEP-C who doesn’t have one! How cool is that?! Who’da thunk it?!), and I’m too tired, sick, and frustrated to continue trying to figure out what’s the best level to farm in “Untold Tales.” I’d be grateful if someone’d just gimme the answer and not point me to piles of data through which I need to comb myself; I haven’t the mental, emotional, or physical resources right now to do that.
I should mention that to me, “Provides lotsa backpacks and plastic swords” is how I define “best,” but any other best will do, too, as I’m simply looking to benefit as much as possible from the event, so I’ll take any answer that means “This provides the most bang for your buck.”
Thanks very much, and if you’re not already signed up as an organ donor, please consider it. The people working the donor program either had loved ones who donated or are recipients of parts themselves. The girl I worked with who propped me up through the process received a donor heart when she was 13. I’ve always maintained that nurses are, generally speaking, the kindest, warmest people on the earth, but this week I learned that people involved in organ donation are even nicer!
C’est parfait! Thanks a million, bud; that’s the kinda answer I need. When in doubt, I always go with the last cheapest stage (so in UT, that means 1/28), but I hate knowing there’s likely one or more stages that offer more and I’m wasting my [world] energy, so having a hard and fast answer already makes me feel better. I really appreciate it!
(I’m sorry for asking again, but if you’ve told me before, I don’t remember: Is “Coummity” the word “Community” in your language, or is it something else and I missed (or forgot) the explanation? I have a feeling it’s like how “meta” is used differently here, and it feels as if everyone knows what it means but me. Thanks), and I’m sorry for the repetitive questions; my short-term memory often seems like no-term memory these days. )
lol, no, the “Coummity Explanation” bit was added to my name, I assume, by one of the mods here. I had nothing to do with it. I think it was a bit of a typo but I’ve grown to like it.
You are very welcome and a happy new year to you also BinkyMelnik