Clerics ! I have five or six heroes waiting .
I pulled this guy and sat on him. I will level him and if he does get emblems I will go all shield . He needs to stay alive long enough for that opponent to suffer the scarab bomb. He is great on a team with GJackal . A mono team I could field with him could be Jackal Mist Griffin and Guillinbursti or my Lady Woolerton. Cool depth add as I have Li Xiu and Hu Tao. HuTao was my very first hero. He helped me learn the basic mechanics of the game so if Scoratek is yours level him and use him. If his passive goes off on a team with Mist it’s lights out . Being both fast you could shut down the board for specials . Neat hero but kind of a specialist .
This portal finally spit him out, together with his big brother lol So maybe there´s a beatles reunion team some time in the future
I drew Scoratek today - how do you think he’s a good character compared to Gullinbursti, Mist, Gretel? These 3 heroes (Gullinbursti, Mist, Gretel) are my heroes during 4* tournaments and I wonder if Scoratek would be able to replace any of them due to his strength?
Overall, I honestly admit that somehow I’m not convinced by this hero but maybe I’m wrong. Thanks in advance for your advice
His stats are good but the special skill lacks punch. It’s worth maxing at least one of him I think.
Thank you for your response. I remember you from the topic about Vela - I respect your answer all the more
I have mine maxed but not fully emblemed, those minons sure help against the titan.
great for bloody tournaments no real way to remove fiends without generating enough minions to push them off
I do love my Scoratek. Fast, deadly fiend and great survivability. And like F5alcon said, the hero of bloody battle 4* tournies.
During bloody battle Scoratek can replace Gullinbursti, in other modes I don´t think he would be an improvement over any of those. Bloody battle is best for Scoratek, because his fast speed is even more important that in other modes, while his fiend cannot be healed and therefore will explode if the battle lasts long enough.
Scoratek is really underrated. The mana generation down passive should not be overlooked. That alone or combined with Onatel/Chao/Gretel you can tile dump a bad board until his fiend explodes and/or enough Holy tiles are fired to charge other heroes. Which for a 4* is a massive amount of damage. Just have to be careful not to defeat his target. All at Fast speed. Can turn a losing starting board into a winning one. I went defense/health/attack path for emblems.
I use him in almost all 4 star tourneys. His fiends are useful to setup up kills on one side flank when you can focus on the other side. 1200 damage to 3 is pretty useful.
just pulled him from my free coins collected at the end of S5 normal. well, finally!
eager to try him out - his special looks fun!
Solid 4 star. Amazing in 4* tournaments.
Scoratek is great on bloody tournaments as a lot of people said, but mine shines on tower events!
When the turns are reduced, you just see his fiends explode really fast
While I do think that Scarab Bomb Fiends are great for Tower Events…they do not explode faster, fyi. The countdown is not an ailment, thus not reduced. Still great though! Just didn’t want anyone to be surprised by this, and it be costly. The 1st time I used this type of Fiend during a Tower event I hadn’t thought much about it, and did expect the time to be decreased. It definitely slowed me down, but once I got it down, they were very effective
I’m almost sure it happened last time… But I will check that next tower
Yep…the counter is actually listed on the fiend and isn’t reduced the way ailments are. If they were reduced then they would fire after one move. I was expecting them to work how others mentioned using Carol and her gift bombs. However, when I thought about it, it did make sense. Like I said though, still great for Towers. I think it is a good discussion to have, thanks for bringing it up
He is the same as Khepri who I used in tower events alongside Ludwig, amazing together… and they each explode on the third time as intended, the counter resetting doesn’t make it explode faster. Nevertheless, having each enemy with 3 of these exploding bombs is perfect because you can essentially give 900 damage to each enemy.
Finally leveled him and he is a great hero especially at fast. The bomb fiends are deadly against 4 star heroes . Good hero