🏯 Satsui - 5* Dark / Purple from Ninja Tower

I wish you health.

I’m not the only one. And this is the voting so far

Playing with Satsui and against must say that against is a complete joke…slow as a turtle like all ninjas. In offence is nothing special. You gave wrong special to this character. First and third charge should attack all enemies except second: 250% to all, 430% to nearby and 500% to all. Or my previews suggestion. Secondary damage for 2 turns is so situational that you completely forget about it.

Which mid mana hero deals 425% to three?

In my small roster I have one: Quari (435% x 3).
And I’d be very happy to also have Satsui

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Hilda, and she does much more.

  1. Secondary buff damage when enemies special skills fires is very situational. It should have been at least for 3 turns. 2 turns is nothing.
  2. One more thing I don’t like on this hero is that her secondary buff damage resets when fires again. It should be a status ailment instead of a buff for heroes that have hitted from Satsui. So for example she fires to all with her third charge then all enemies will get the ailment and if she fires again with first charge to one hero then only this hero will get the new ailment the rest will continue with their ailment untill three turns are finished.

Necessary changes in my opinion.

Damage output is good for the speed but it will age quickly. I like using Ninjas so no regrets leveling her.

Wish the hiding skill was 2/3/4 turns based on charge level. And that she bypassed buffs like Malum and Tora.

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Did some adding on my second suggestion.