Russell – 5* Fire / Red - October 2021 HOTM (Hero of the Month) -- Initial Release

I’ll add my vote for JF for the defence down reversal and decent dot to all at fast.

Given there are loads of Def down and hit all heroes about his Def down reversal could be good and he’s the best of all your reds in defence imo so serves 2 purposes.

Depending on your level, Tyr can be a pain on defence in wars, but as you get higher up he’s not a problem but still good in offence to keep you going way longer than you should.

Russell… decent but not great imo.

You’ll enjoy any of those 3 to be honest but that’s my opinions if it helps


Does Russell’s special hit a opponent waiting to be reviver? Like fighter classes?

Heroes that are going to be revived are in a ghost type state…they can be used to aim, but CAN’T be hit by anything. I hope this helps :nerd_face::nerd_face::nerd_face:

For a personal opinion sidenote, I wish that this didn’t work this way. Even though these heroes have 0 HP as they haven’t actually revived yet to get to that 1 HP, I wish that they could receive any ailment an attacker could give. But, that would require changing the state they are in during this post kill / pre revive time and I don’t expect that to happen :nerd_face:


So now Russell has been out for a while and people have gotten the time to play with him, how does he feel?

I personally thought he was quite bad. And when paired with heroes like cGM, Emilio or JF he would overwrite their burns which would not be ideal either. However, I am seeing a lot of +19/20 Russells in defenses and even some limit broken ones. Way more as I would expect with how ‘good’ he is in my eyes. What do you guys think?

I also got Zhou Yu from the W3K portal. He summons minions for all allies and the minions burn the enemy over 3 turns on every hit. This sounds like he would pair excellent with Russell, or am I missing something here?

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The card says he resist against status ailment that affect attack down. However, I found that he got attack down from Congalach hit. Is this a bug? In the pic Congalach was already dead.

He resists ailments. Congalach gives stacks so he gets affected


Ah!! got it. thanks for the clarification


I just gave Russell rings had 32 was at 3/70 for ages … I would say i got Zhou Yu and i also have yang mai them 3 will def in my raid team … As they all work together well ,elemental link 2021 for everyone yu minons … (Mana link important)
Ill have ©rigard attack up and airel +34 mana boost … Not to shabby
It for me was zhou yu minions that did give the nugde for it one hero can make someone else relevant in my eyes …

I had JF maxed i did have few emblems on him i pulled ©snow white and he went up in stock and then ©kill hare so went up even more … Another case of one hero can change alot …

Also @Ian487 with wukong that is something i didnt think of that he never misses with wu special has wu become a bit more relevant to me now :thinking:


Even if its a stack its still an ailment, i think thats a bug…

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Should he not being able to bypass taunt?
For example,Theobald can bypass taunt if an enemy has higher remaining HP than the taunter.
Russell can only hit the taunter when taunt is active.
So his ability to never miss his targets, doesn’t seem to be “never”.

The taunter is the target… you won’t be able to target anyone else…


Yes, I do understand that. But the taunter is allways, allready the target.
My point is, if he will never be able to miss his target, should you not be able to choose the target, despite the active taunt?

That is not how never miss works. If he was blind and then a taunt is active and he misses coz of the blind, that is when it isn’t working.
When taunt is on, you cannot pick another target. Unless you clicked on a target and it got highlighted you haven’t picked that target. So he didn’t miss that target.

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The hero card is updated with October balance changes.

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He’s still very weak. These slight balance changes don’t make any of these older heroes relevant again. It’s the new already OP heroes that get arguably stronger buffs.

Unfortunately I found him weak even when he was released. I maxed him back then but rarely used him. Time is not his friend either, only getting worse.

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