If you have a 20% mana troop (eventually), plus the 4% emblem mana bonus, plus the 5% costume bonus plus hits 24% special… He’ll go off in 6.536 tiles… So maybe with the frosth mana chunk or costume ariel’s aman chunk… You can get him off in 6… Maybe. That chunk needs to be 6%… So maybe 2 turns.
Thanks for tagging me As often, I agree with @Chadmo
I don’t have C. Thorne myself, but I lost several times several times in front of S2 snipers, because they targeted key heroes in my team
I would rather advise to change Rigard from that set-up if you have anyone better. But as usual, they key is to experiment
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
I have the following purple healers if I wanna keep this spot for one: C Rigard, C Sabina, Ana-Belle
If I were you, I would not use healers on defense or certainly not in the back. Healers have the role to protect/ enhance your other heroes and if they are in the back, the chances are that your other heroes may be dead when they get to fire.
In front they can be a tile dump, without something “extra”, like ailment protection as in the case of Hathor and Cleopatra or overhealing.
In the beginning I also considered a healer important on defense, but as soon as I started to experiment with formations without one, I realised that actually it worked better with only hitters than with the healers I had.
Of course, there are exceptions as I previously mentioned. Now I sometimes use C Freya on defense, but she has dodge and also minions that do some damage. Other times I use Amethyst and they have similar win rates.
I understand your point! I will experiment with using C Seshat instead of Rigard then. Fast sniper with priority dispel and her minions can make her last longer when she fires.
She sounds very good, especially if you get attacked with taunt or counterattack