Ranking of the best hitters (snipers) to 7th June 2020

I have added him, I saw his damage capacity, is really hard!

Nice chart and thanks for calculations. I think one hero that might be worth including is Master Lepus. 410% hit with 795 attack is pretty significant

OMG I forgot that rabbit hahah ok you are making me work on sunday :worried: :sob:


Good job :slightly_smiling_face:


Wth lol totally thought this was kerri for a minute

Well played


Good times that @Kerridoc helped us a lot. Great friend :slightly_smiling_face:

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The only sad thing about this chart is red has one pure sniper in Marjana and sheā€™s middle of the pack. We need a hard sniper, especially with Green now dominating tank defense position.


Couple of things;

1 - how are you calculating the ā€œtotal damageā€ component? Asking because I think there is an error in it. Running the maths on Jabberwock (Using the formula set out in the Damage Calculation Thread), I get a total damage per strike of 455.26 against an average 5* defenderā€¦ Multiplied by 2x and adding the DoT gets a total of 1144.52 damage which is a far-cry from the 4458 you have listedā€¦

2 - Jabberwock doesnā€™t do 600% damage. He does 2x strikes for 300% damage. Because of how the damage Calculation works a ā‰  b

3 - Master Lepus should also be on this list. The guy hits for 410% damage to the target (plus splash to nearby) & has a bigger attack stat than pretty well everyone on the list.

Ran the numbers on all the snipers using their REAL damage dealt to an average defence hero of the same star rating:

Hero Strike % Damage (Target) DoT Total
Lianna (+CB) 512 974.47 974.47
Gefjon 500 951.70 951.70
Joon (Costume) 488 940.82 940.82
Lianna 512 913.07 913.07
Lianna (Costume) 482 910.89 910.89
Joon (+CB) 468 895.29 895.29
Sartana (Costume) 532 884.04 884.04
Joon 468 838.86 838.86
Magni (+CB) 420 835.34 835.34
Alasie 462 809.55 809.55
Poseidon 450 789.87 789.87
Kingston 445 783.69 783.69
Magni 420 782.92 782.92
Gregorion 455 778.59 778.59
King Arthur 468 777.47 777.47
Sartana (+CB) 452 770.24 294 1064.24
Master Lepus 410 760.44 760.44
Alice 430 737.47 737.47
Sartana 452 722.07 294 1016.07
Magni (Costume) 420 717.02 717.02
Domitia (+CB) 410 716.86 716.86
Marjana 458 699.52 300 999.52
Seshat 400 692.13 692.13
Domitia (Costume) 390 690.35 324 1014.35
Domitia 410 671.47 671.47

You can see the order is SIMILAR but not quite the sameā€¦ Mainly because of how Damage is actually calculated in the game. Itā€™s not a straight up linear calculation but is really an exponential relationship between the Attack Power & the Defence Stats of the enemy.

Note: for this I havenā€™t taken into account the silent ā€œstat boostā€ that defending heroes haveā€¦ So the damage will be a touch lower (e.g. Lianna with costume bonus goes from 974.47 damage to 761.85 damage)

Edit 2:
Adding in the ā€œSpecial Casesā€

Hero Strike % Damage (Target) DoT Total
Fenrir 600 1239.2 1239.2
Azlar Costume 410 794.2 430 1224.2
Jabberwock 300 455.26 234 1144.52
Alfrike 200 223.97 1119.85
Sumle (Vs. 4*) 515 1039.47 1039.47
Sumle (Vs. 5*) 515 889.76 889.76
Kageburado 450 840.38 840.38

Mine is a simply damage calculating without considerating the deffense factors, just the amount of attack of each specialā€¦ but I donā€™t know then about the defense that modifies those numbersā€¦ I really dont have that infoā€¦ so its only a look to the attack * % of special damages, and then multiplied by their attacka talent paths at 30, andā€¦ adding the mana troop at level 30

Why wouldnā€™t you add 4* heroes to the list? Iā€™d be interested to see how my Triton+19 att does.

Because I try to put the most powerful onesā€¦ If I put all the heroesā€¦ there is a lot of work to do haha

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Great list @Jamir. Line: mcbeard79 is like to collaborate and add a few columns for w/Tarlak, Ranvir, Wu, Sexy Rigard, etcā€¦

Great work!


whats is mean DOT ?
i dont understand DoT

Damage Over Time (the residual damages like azlar burnig, or Proteus poisoning)

Thank you @Jamir for creating a quick comparison list of snipers and @Guvnor for additional information. Some people are gifted with a love of math and accuracy while others are gifted with the ability to create a broad brushstroke picture. This forum is a wonderful place where these differing talents benefit the many. IDIC


ow ok thanks a lotā€¦now i got it

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Ahh Okā€¦ May be a little misleading to call it ā€œdamageā€ thenā€¦ Itā€™s more ā€œattack powerā€ than anything.

As I said, the damage calculation is (pretty) straight forward & all listed out in the Damage Calculation Thread (linked above too).

But it does change the order of the ā€œbest snipersā€ a bit from what is in your OP.

Iā€™m still hesitant between magni and king arthur In raising the level and I have tools for one hero my only problem how i benefit from skill magni in Defense Or i use king arthur and make it just damage

Wow, Iā€™m somewhat disappointed in Sartana in costume. Doesnā€™t even beat out a vanilla Liannaā€¦

Iā€™m leaving my Sartana at 4/1 with max costume since I will be using the costume more anyways. Although Sartana w/ Costume bonus deals the most overall damage, that 294 DoT is over freakin 6 turns.

ā€œAttack powerā€ is then a meaningless concept since in real battle, only the ā€œdamageā€ that you calculated is meaningful. Therefore the list of ā€œbest hitterā€ should be ranked by ā€œdamageā€ that you calculated