Yes, but to avoid using a weak colour, you bring neither yellow nor purple, you bring only the neutral colours (red/green/blue) as your 3/2 stacks.
The post I replied to said that the attacking stack is “never neutral”. And my question was, if your attacking stack is any of:
3/2 blue/green
2/3 blue/green
3/2 blue/red
2/3 blue/red
3/2 red/green
2/3 red/green
then there are six examples (e.g. could be your six flags in war) where you have used neutral attacking stacks. So I was confused by the assertion that you could “never” attack yurple with neutral colours…
Perhaps the communication breakdown was in how the syntax was used. If the point was to say that if you attack with a stack of holy or with a stack of dark that neither stack functions as neutral, then that would have made sense to me, but it didn’t read that way to me.
Looking at dark and holy only. For sure all others elements are neutral against both, but most of us stack strong against the tank and that wilk be weak against the flanks.
See, you nailed it right there. That is the entire point right there and why i rock the Yurple. Yes, my win rate is slightly higher than with Ursena at tank, and much higher than Guin at tank, but for me it was just about fun putting this team together.
If you are willing to put the resources into it you have a great pool of players. Main issue is always the emblem problem…Out of your group Ursena is best tank (Sorry I think Guin is so 2018–there are just way too many anti Guin heroes out there now). I can tell you from experience that the Drake, Ursena, Poseidon combo is deadly. They have great synergy, no emblem conflicts, and together hit like a tank.
@Ender_BattleSchool Great feedback and I didn’t even think about the emblem advantage there! So that’s what I’m gonna go with… I thought about Alby/King because with King’s burn resist it makes it hard for someone to bring reds, and blue is weak against green, so King’s ability protects Alby while Alby can heal revive and mana gen for the whole team. If you guys think I should add a red I could put Zim in one of the green spaces, my blues aren’t that great at the moment. Once I max Finley then I will be singing a different tune LOL
I’d start with the center combo I mentioned above and that you prominently featured in your choices here. Work on those three for now. The problem with defense is you HAVE to have emblems up now. Just too much disparity if you don’t so GP and Poseidon cause and issue as does Kingston.
I would start with those three and put your highest emblemed off-colors on wings. I wouldnt stack greens because people will just go mono red with little repercussion from Ursena. Build up that center defense THEN…the fun starts…
You have to plan ahead in this game. The alliances that started planning Green Tanks across the board for AW 3 months ago are kicking ■■■■ now with Yunans, Heimdalls, and Tellurias. The reactionary alliances that are only now planning green tanks are behind the ball…soo…
Start with that center, have fun…then in about 45 days there might just be a new hero available just waiting to take that wing spot next to Drake, with Kage slipping in the other wing.
What are you waiting on…Catch my team on the manipulated match making cup suppressing downswing and 1-shot me! (Sorry the conspiracy theorist in me came out a bit lol)
wanted to add…that center combo gives Poseidon and Ursena +5% Defense Family Bonus and Poseidon gets the Link +5% Attack and Defense bonus (Which stacks together, unlike the stupid Realm Bonuses lol)
Those are all significant points. Fortunately I have all of these heroes, mats are my hold up. But my alliance uses dark tanks so I can’t adjust that even if I wanted to, this is strictly for raid D.
I have emblems for Ursena I was holding to see if there would be another sorcerer that would make more sense but I’m gonna go ahead with her.
Only other options I have for wing color offset at the moment are Zim and Magni, which are both issues against current line up (fighter/Druid) but I’m gonna start at my center as you suggested.
@Ender_BattleSchool I do, taking her to 3/70 now, I need scopes for her and Finley like yesterday lol. Currently using Alby, Zim, Urs, Drake, Magni (in that order) in AW Def.