šŸ… Raid Tournaments ā€“ Log, Overview, Attacking, Matchmaking, Scoring, Restrictions, Special Rules, and Rewards

I just did it. I even added the one for tomorrow - like Iā€™m looking into the future. :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:



I had them in there, just hidden away.

Thanks kaffy for handling :stuck_out_tongue:


Awesome! Thank you. :smiley:


O yes , no chance for new players , 6 times 5 star tournament , 5 times 4 star tournament , 3 star tournament you can delete is useless, do not give any chance to new players


Do you think a 2ā˜† tournament against people who can fully emblem 2ā˜† heroes and field level 20 1ā˜† troops will be fun for beginners?


So what does controll who will get big targets with best points on them?
Cause itā€™s not fair that some people are starting to have 600+ points and others start with shaving teams with 400 or less!
This gives a big advantage to some people over others.
Especially on 3* fights.
I for my self wont ever be able to compete with 5* dudes. But why my 3* all +13 are not getting me higher targets to start withā€¦I would love to be in top100 for change!


Have you seen the main threads? Weā€™ve been tracking data for each tourney. No one in this tourney should be starting at or coming anywhere near 600 points per attack this tourney (2578 is the top score at the momentā€¦which jives with data). BTW, starting position is determined by best 5 heroes and best 5 troops that can be used for the tourney; some start with better scoring values, but you can catch up. Here is what I posted in the tourney 18 thread.

Post 1 last night:

(my max is 2380 TP for this tourney).

Therefore, if prior tourney data holds, we should expect (for us) the following:

  1. Start at 460 or 461 (based on best 5 TP)
  2. In general, an increase of the next opponentā€™s score value by 7 for a win; decrease the next opponentā€™s score value by 13 for a loss (day 1)
  3. If at least four of the five attacks are wins, then one of the defenders (usually the 4th or 5th faced) will have their score jump by 8 instead of 7
  4. By my math, assuming that I am not off, the maximum team power value that a maxxed 3* hero team with maxxed 2* troops and full 20 emblems on each hero could possibly have is 2925. They would start at 515 with their attacks in all likelihood
  5. In the past, the scoring wall for a 3* tourney has been about 525 (the highest Iā€™ve seen reported is 523, but I think that defenses lose value somehow from losing [devā€™s notes somewhere], so Iā€™ll allow that there are higher defenses than 523ā€¦maybe even as high as 530)
  6. This has meant that the scoring patterns get weird after around 511 (typically) and really start bouncing up and down after 515 in no set range.

Post 2 today:

Day 1: 5-0, scoring acting as predicted last night (four +7 and one +8). 2373, top 5 percent (expected). 20736 rank. So day 2 should see me start roughly at 496 and start advancing by 5 if I win and decrease by 9 in a loss. Weā€™ll see what happens.

So there is a rhyme and reason to it (weā€™ve been at it for a while now), and if you are curious, refer to the tourney 15-17 threads for how we (myself and a lot of help from others) went through the process of figuring it out. Thereā€™s a lot there.


There is a very comprehensive study by @Wondermoose and other users colaborating on how points are awarded

I strongly recommend you to read that, but Iā€™ll try to summarize it.

Your best 5 heroes according to the tournament restrictions define your best TP for that tournament and sets you a ā€œstarting scoreā€. Better teams start better. Every time you win, new opponents will have a better score. If you lose, itā€™ll be worse. Score will continue raise if you keep winning until a point which is called ā€œthe wallā€, that is the max score you can get from a win in a particular tournament.

So a player who has better 5 heroes than other, will have a higher starting point and a higher wall.


After reading this Iā€™m still confused on how matchmaking works for attack. My daughter highest team is 3550 (triton 7 grimm 11 magni 12/4 cyprian and rigard). On first day the 5 teams she fight were between 3457 and 3818. On day 2 team power increased gradually from 3857 to 4075. and so on on days 3 /4 with now oponents at 4200/4316. On day 4 she got 3 defeats.
I canā€™t hardly understand how trtion grimm magni cyprian and rigard can be matched with magni kunchen aegir dalila persee (4176) or higher team


Are 1* tournaments going to take place as well?

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The last time I asked the Small Giant Staff that was in June, and they said yes at the time:


The last food fight left a very bad taste in so MANY mouths


But MANY others loved itā€¦

Doesnā€™t matter what gets done. Some will love it, others hate itā€¦ Thatā€™s just life.


Hi! How about a raid tournament without cheating. I know its against your financial politics but with this you ruin the whole game. Thx!


@Guvnor I added in a column for previous times a format has occurred in the Full Log, and the recent pattern is certainly clear ā€” but also appears to have been an abrupt start.

It seems like the first 6 Tournaments were perhaps not part of the repeating cycle.

Itā€™s also interesting that the maintenance break without a Raid Tournament skipped a combo, rather than just delaying it by a week.

Since we know the rotation was 32 weeks as of December, presumably it would be the cycle that covers Tournaments 7 through 38.

I summed that set up and came up with:

Special Rule Count
Buff Booster 10
Bloody Battle 11
Rush Attack 11
Rarity Restriction Count
2*/3* 10
4* 11
5* 11
Element Restriction Count
No Fire/Red 6
No Holy/Yellow 3
No Nature/Green 4
No Ice/Blue 5
No Dark/Purple 4
All Elements/None 10

Also did some pivot table combos:

So if thatā€™s the 32-week rotation, the distribution across Special Rules and Rarity are pretty consistent ā€” but Element Restrictions and the combos of Element/Rarity, Element/Special, and Rarity/Special are kind of wonky. :thinking:


Personally Iā€™m not a fan of the ā€œpatternā€ or ā€œset rotationā€ in the gameā€¦

Itā€™s not found anywhere in the game outside of scheduling & the rare stuff (rare titans follow a colour cycle, rare quests follow a cycle, monthly quest follows a cycle)

I personally would prefer that the rule, star rating and elemental restrictions be governed by RNG (as is the case with war rules, token drops, other quest appearances etcā€¦)

My RNG solution:

My suggestion would be

Hero Resrriction*
40% chance for 5*
35% chance for 4*
25% chance for 3*

Even split across all rules (current and future)
Thus 33.33% chance for each rule
(Buff booster, rush attack, bloody battle)

Elemental restrictions
Even chance for all restrictions, including no restriction.
Thus 16.667% chance for each colour restriction (no red, blue, green, purple, yellow, none)

Additional proposal - class restrictions
Iā€™d also like to add in a proposal for class restrictions.
No class restrictions = 30%
7% chance for restriction on any of the 10 classes


Iā€™d personally just kill the no-restriction Tournaments.

Theyā€™re the most like regular Raiding, so they add the least variety to the game.

But at the least, Iā€™d like to see them be way less common than the 31.25% they apparently are now.

For similar reasons, Iā€™d want 5* to be 33.3% or less ā€” so we have more variety vs. regular Raids.

Thatā€™d be fun.

Except maybe when it ended up causing things like eliminating any way to counter Alfrike.


All valid points,

I donā€™t mind so much tweaking the percentages to being even for the difficulty rating.

But thatā€™s the fun of it :wink: makes it more of a challenge & more fun :smiley:


I like, but Iā€™d modify it slightlyā€” 50/50 chance of tournament type, excluding whatever this weekā€™s was (so no 2 rush attacks in a row).

And same for element restrictions. If class restrictions are added, then that too.

If it comes up no restrictions, reroll.

Note that class restrictions give a bit of an advantage to costumes, which is probably a plus in SGā€™s book. Iā€™d be fine with it except that costumed heroes in a tournament lock them that way for a week. This is just dumb UX.


I think this is perfect, every tournament should have a 1 color forbidden (even two would be fun!)
Also think 5* tournaments should be more rare, after all we use the 5* everywhere else.
Maybe reversing to 40% 3 star, 35% 4* and 25% five star, but even the uniform distribution is fine