Raid Stats: Telluria Edition

Everywhere you turn there’s Telluria / Vela… at this very moment, there’s 40+ Telluria tanks in top 50 and 90% of them have a Vela flank… Vela was a wash-out HOTM with almost no value until Telluria turned her into a must have… I have Vela but without Telluria, she does not make my defense team and she doesn’t match speeds with Frida, Isarnia, and Kiril, to be effective on offense… It’s though keeping her charged until the others get their mana bars filled…

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Until that next Fire hero decreases healing by -50% for all enemies for 4 turns (like Yunan), destroys all minions from all enemies (like Grimble), and steals 75% of all mana generated for the target and nearby enemies for 2 turns (like Onatel) with a Nature Flank that silences the target and nearby enemies for 4 turns (like Miki), dispels all status ailments (like Rigard), and administers their own Tree-Hugging path of destruction that unleashes negative results for Ice heroes (like Evelyn).

Nobody wins an arms race… except for the weapons dealers maybe… responding to an OP couple by releasing another OP couple is a bad idea…

You know I do! Since you’re asking about JF I’ll show the stats from his perspective


Left wing: 0-3, 4,415 average team power
Left flank: 0-6, 4,445 TP
Right flank: 0-2, 4,466 TP
Right wing: 0-1, 4,383 TP

Those TP’s are high enough that it feels fair to say he’s just not nearly as impactful as Vela. Sure it’s a small sample, but I really doubt his 0-12 record against me is going to converge to actually winning 25% of the time.


I also ran the numbers for Gravemaker, to see if there was anything interesting there.
Left wing: 0-0
Left flank: 1-8, 4,501 TP
Right flank: 1-8, 4,521 TP
Right wing: 0-1, 4,621 TP

Same thing as JF - hard to see an argument for him being as impactful as Vela. Which just reinforces the conclusion from my OP: it is Telluria yes, but it is REALLY Telluria + Vela.

Black Knight

Earlier, I alluded to the fact that I found Black Knight a much tougher flank for Telluria than I expected (though it makes sense now that I think about it more, having the benefit of seeing them each a bit).

Left Flank: 3-4, 4,531 TP
Right Flank: 1-0, 4,497

BK never appeared at either wing.

As much as everyone talked about GM or JF + Telluria + Vela, right now what EYE really fear is BK + Telluria + Vela in the center. This will get more unpleasant when Clarissa becomes one of the wings I’m sure. Hard to imagine a tougher defense than, say, Clarissa, BK, Telluria, Vela, GM.

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Can you make statistic about any green tank+Vela and see how Vela change win rate?

Sure thing! Let me EXCLUDE Telluria and answer for all other green tanks. So we’re talking about a green tank with Vela flanking on either side: I have 16 such encounters so far.

5 vs. Heimdall
3 vs. Kashhrek (w-t-actual-f?)
2 vs. Zeline
1 vs. Costumed Melendor
1 vs. Elkanen
1 vs. Horghall
1 vs. Kingston
1 vs. Zeline
1 vs. Yunan

No reason for me to break out win rates, SINCE I WON ALL SIXTEEN RAIDS. So you can assume whatever rate you want as my default win rate against non-Telluria green tanks - preliminarily I’d say it looks like Vela isn’t affecting it.

Here are the conclusions I think we should draw from this:

  1. I have 16 encounters against a non-Telluria green tank + Vela. I have 29 against a Telluria tank + Vela. That difference is staggering, especially given TWO extra months of time when I could have run into non-Telluria green tank + Vela and the fact that I’m not exactly seeking out Telluria + Vela teams to fight.
  2. Vela owners appear to be VERY likely to own Telluria (which would make sense, as we’re talking about the spending population in two very close months). Alternatively, Vela owners who do NOT have Telluria conclude (it appears, correctly), that she is not necessarily a great defender to complement their non-Telluria green tank.
  3. As I (and others) have said all along, it is Telluria’s mana impairment that really hurts. It makes Vela much more likely to fire, fire when I’m not ready with reflect or cleanse, and Vela’s DoT and attack debuff are more likely to run longer until I can unwind them. When Vela flanks just any old green, I can cleanse / heal / reflect in time or shortly thereafter much more often, thus subverting much of her extra damage and attack debuff against fire heroes. To the extent that it is very possible Vela is an inferior option to a fast blue sniper for a non-Telluria green tank.
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Nitpick… non consecutive months. Vela was January, Telluria was March. JF was sandwiched between in February.

I managed to get all 3, since I REALLY wanted Vela (blue was my weakest color), happened to get lucky on JF (don’t even recall how, but I made few pulls in February). And then I decided to try and get Tell once it was clear how good a combo it was and lucked out in my last couple pulls.

I actually find Vela to be a very good blue by herself, as she compliments Mitsuko (my current tank). I’m working on JF and waiting for another tonic, but split on if JF or Mitsuko would be a better flank.

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Totally correct. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’ll edit my post, but the conclusions will remain the same. Thank you for pointing this out!

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I don’t see any benefit of running Mits or JF with Telly as tank. Those two counter blue heroes but bringing blue to attack Telly isn’t optimal. GM, BK or even Marj might be better options.

None of which I have. Most defense teams are rainbow, even at high levels from what I’ve seen.

JF is better than Marj in my opinion, because fast DoT with like Joon and Seshat/Lianna flanks is good for those 2 snipers to finish.

BK and GM are better, for sure.

@IvyTheTerrible this is fascinating. I love the data, but wondering how you obtain it. Do you manually track your raids or is there some way to pull this data from the game? I know you strive to fill your wanted raid chest every day, so time is of the essence. If you’re doing it manually, do you do it raid-by-raid, or by skimming your history as you wait for your raid energy to refill?

Thanks again for this!

Unfortunately, I have to gather the data manually. The best (by which I really mean fastest) way I’ve found so far is:

  1. On the raid matchup screen, after I have selected my team, take a screen shot.
  2. I then take another screen shot at the end of the raid IFF (if and only if) I lose. As I expect to win most raids, if I do NOT see this picture then I know I won.
  3. ~Once a day I then review these screen shots, manually entering the data I track into an Excel file. What I record is my team power, my heroes, opponent’s team power, and opponent’s heroes (note that, for these purposes, Costumed Hero is different than Hero). I do NOT track the level, emblem, or troop support of any hero.

Taking the screen shots just adds a moment to each raid. I batch the data entry and have gotten pretty fast at it, maybe 15-20 minutes a day. I already wrote all the formulas for the spreadsheet, so it automatically calculates many things (win percentage, % of tanks by each color, win rate for each hero, etc.).

It does take a couple of minutes every time I need to add a new hero (say, each HOTM as it is released) to the file. I also spend time writing new formulas / retro-fitting the spreadsheet as I want to investigate new things. For example, it probably took me 3-ish hours to collate the data for this post, analyze it the ways I wanted, and then write it all up to be shared.

So, expanding the scope of my analysis always takes time, as does a very specific query, as the Telluria + specifically Vela one did, but in terms of day to day data entry and upkeep it isn’t at all time prohibitive.


thanks for the thoughtful reply!

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Thank you for very interesting Statistics. You defenitely better than Me on taking on this telluria/vela combo. I go mono green, which works fine, but I need an acceptable board like allways with mono. Mono red worked terrible.

Planing for my own defence; who should be placed as left flank, to complement the T/V combo most devestatingly?? Drake fong?? Or maybe Kingston??

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If your defense is _____, _____, Telluria, Vela, and _____ I kind of don’t think it matters who the other three are. But if you insist on making it as annoying as possible :stuck_out_tongue: then Drake should certainly hold a spot, probably at wing. It depends on what your options are for the other spots. The best purple in that lineup is probably a Seshat or Freya flank and then I’d be happy winging with Drake and a Marjana type (I’m assuming you have neither Jean-François nor Gravemaker since you didn’t mention them and also that you don’t have Black Knight - all of them would be great flanks and GM could even go wing if you needed).


Thank you for your reply. I have both gm+18 and jf about to be maxed. But like you wrote, they dont change much… I don’t have any of the S3 5*, so they are not an option.
Maybe this is of topic, but I kind of looking for the combo making your statistics worse😀

We all are, aren’t we?


I have telluria as tank. No vella. Jean fransisco, israndra, sheshat, and posindia was thinking of puting in Leanne as wing but who to remove ?

lol - thanks…

If you want to make the most difficult team I’d center GM, Telluria, and Vela. Drake will fit in well at win, along with your best purple. If that’s Seshat or Domitia (e.g., a dispeller) I’d put them on left and Drake on right. If it’s Sartana I’d put her at right and Drake at left (so he maxes chances of hitting three and she maxes chances of sniping someone out).

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I’m going to assume that’s Lianna, in which case if you want to get her in there I’d probably go Lianna, Seshat, Telluria, Jean-François, Poseidon. Basically just get the dispel as far left as possible.

It’s a bit unconventional but anything with Telluria will still be strong. Just not game-breaking. You’re inviting heavy red stacks with two nature heroes and not punishing them with Vela.