Question about Troop power

Sorry for getting off topic but i have a question i can’t find the answer to: at what level does a 4* troop become more powerful than a maxed 3*?

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Around level 6/7 they are about even at a guess. I don’t have any 3* maxed but I tried it and replaced a level 11 3* with a level 6 4* and the tp went up by 2

Look at the stats for the different troops, like attack, healing, shield and choose what you prefer.

Mostly a 4* mana troop is just simply better than a 3* at low lvls in my humble opinion

I know my level 15 two star troops are generally on par with my level five three star troops.

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I have 4s at level 9 and the computer still picks my max 3s ahead of them, im just wondering at what level will it choose the 4s before the max 3s.

You just manually remove the 3* and put a 4* there

Yeah, i do that, im just wondering when the computer will choose a 4 over a max 3.

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Okay, i finally got my answer and it is eleven. The computer will choose a 4* at level 11 ahead of a max 3*.

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Is 5* in your last post a typo?

Yes, of course, i did mean 4*. Sorry bout that, until recently it wouldn’t have caused any confusion but with the new 5s due to arrive i can see how it would.

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