đŸ€ș Queen Anne – 5* Nature / Green from Brave Musketeers

Thank you im not the only one

Interessante come sempre le tue recensioni
aggiungo solo che con una buona sinergia di eroi diventa una difesa molto forte
il bonus famiglia Ăš molto interessante con 3 eroi moschettieri raggiungi il 100% di copertura e il 70% di danno per l eroe che ti dĂ  la copertura e una passiva del 60% di rispedire il 20% del danno se abbini furdinand per una condivisione di danni con regina Anne Aramis e D’Artagnan, deridi-colpo a 3 nemici con una spada altissima cura in base al danno-dot in 3 turni piĂč o meno 200°:joy::joy: c’ù da divertirsi se non hai una tavola favorevole e partono i moschettieri potrebbero coprire 3 eroi, davvero un bel evento con eroi e meccaniche interessanti da abbinare, oramai la 3+2 addirittura 4+1 era un modo per attaccare insieme alla mono Ăš diventata la difesa di tutti o quasi in top e non c’ù Nerf che possa cambiare questo
buon gioco David

I was responding to someone else, read my post again.

65% defence is not something to gloss over like that. And on rush, that’s basically 65% defence for the entire match.
The only reason why she’s not seeing defence use is because of cover

yea mybad i got that

1st acc got her and the 1x4* in 39 pulls and 2nd acc got her also and 2x4* in 29 pulls. No Hotm.

Not bad but i want the another green 5* or red 5*.

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She is trash. They nerfed her into something undesirable. I have to disagree with you rho. I can almost promise you that very few people will use her.

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Completely agree. She’s incredibly lackluster. Extremely easily countered. Bring Malosi and you have yourself a tile dump where you can just spam tiles upon her with no consequences. Easy won match for sure.

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That can be said for any pure buffer hero against malosi. I don’t see how this hero is any worser


players are disappointed because they had high expectations seeing her beta version.

if she was like this from the beta we wouldn’t have the same negative thoughts. she is still very good for me.

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I don’t have her but she seems a good hero. It’s a better green taunter than Shrubear

Of course we were expecting a game breaker hero because of Beta but that hasn’t happened

Not a thrash as most were saying, not a OP

Just another good hero

It’s different because she’s slow. A slow her that can be turned into a tile dump by a relatively common VF 5* hero is just useless in an defense setting. The same holds for Ludwig but with a major difference: IF Ludwig actually gets to go off, you are pretty much toast. It’s extremely hard to get back from. IF Queen Anne goes off, it’s not really that big of a deal. A simple mana gen debuff or defense debuff can take care of that.

You mean Khonshu for your relatively common VF 5* hero? I guess his passive can shut down half of her buffs, but that only activates 40% of the time. And you still need to face her 65% defence which Khonshu can’t touch to save his life.
What simple debuff is that? Fighting her conventionally she needs 2 dispels to even touch her buffs, unless you use xiahou dun/ Cao Cao.
But I agree that the speed should at least be average for what she provides now

He meant Malosi, who makes her do exactly nothing at all

To be quite honest most of the Musketeers are underwhelming and the event it’s was a disaster. I love pulling on different events but I can guarantee you I will save my money next time around on this event.

M&M set the standard too high now. Everyone wants a stronger M&M, especially when QA was god mode on beta

Heroes that are too strong, we will complain. Heroes that are too weak, we will complain. Heroes that are just right, we will still complain.

Instead of appreciating what these heroes do, we pick on their weaknesses most the time and focus on their bad qualities instead of their good ones. I’m probably guilty of that as well in the past.

QA is prove that we as a playerbase, don’t know what we want in these heroes

But the oversaturation of heroes is to blame for this as well. With heroes coming out left and right, there is no time for breathing space, it’s always who is the strongest hero after 1 week.


We as players know exactly what we want and M&M definitely did not set any standard.

We just don’t want average/sub par heros. It cost actual money to level these heros. Who wants to spend real money on mediocrity.

I can agree that maybe she could be improved to average speed instead of slow, but to say she is “trash” in her current form is just gross exaggeration.

I have Aramis, D’Artagnan, and Athos. I guarantee you they are not the slightest bit “underwhelming”. In fact they have made my rainbow raid team even stronger than before, and I can now run rainbow against top notch teams that I would’ve struggled with previously.

The cover mechanic means AoE hitters such as Sobek and Khufu have reduced effectiveness (especially if multiple heroes are covered), and the family passive has a 60% chance to deal 20% damage received to all enemies. This passive procs often enough, that I’ve had multiple instances of Khufu and/or Sobek firing once at my team, and basically killing themselves or even multiple heroes on the opposing team (weakened from full health of course). Likewise with Anne and cPanther.

The musketeer heroes basically have a built in 20% riposte to all (even if just getting hit by a sniper) that triggers 60% of the time. Let that sink in for a bit.

Do we really though? If I take your second sentence at face value, it almost sounds like you want more OP heroes?

Also, nobody is forcing you to spend or pull in a particular portal, you make it sound like SG has a gun to your head, and is forcing you to spend money on mediocre or “trash” heroes.



I still hold on to this belief. This is just a gentle reminder from Karen of the Pokémon series

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Nope just using common sense. No pay to play player rolls the dice for an average hero.

Who doesn’t want an OP hero to change the tide of war. No one ever cries “Give me a balanced hero”. But OP isn’t just what we want, we want unique and challenging. Not typical and average.

Rho I’m pleased your defense has been improved, I hope it works well for you. But I stand by my statement on the Musketeers being average at best. There’s absolutely nothing special or unique about any of them.

The Gargoyles are unique, Season 5 heros are unique, The Abyss Hunters are unique. Did I get that last name correct? Contest of elements (superb). The Pets are unique but barely, Musketeers are underwhelming.

The Musketeers kind of remind me of the nerfed version of the 3 Kingdoms hero’s. Just not worth the effort!

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