Who is the most effective against purple titans?
Currently using Miki at 3.70 against every other colour, but Wu for purple.
Is a limit broken Bertulf or even Miki a better option?
Who is the most effective against purple titans?
Currently using Miki at 3.70 against every other colour, but Wu for purple.
Is a limit broken Bertulf or even Miki a better option?
Wu or Ranvir can give you a higher attack but the misses can hurt. You use them for that reason which is give you a better score, LB them will not make you hit harder, I will use the aethers in someone else, IMO I will get Miki leveled up. This hero is used in most of the titans and the silence for 5 turns can save you.
It also depends of the starts of the titan that you are hitting, I think Bertulf will die to quick on 6* and higher titans
I’d take miki over the other 2. Finally getting Sergei made we realize how much better I do at titans without those painful misses over and over.
I have only been blessed with Wu (no Tarlak or Miki) and agree I hate the misses. I do not have mine emblemed or LB. That being said I am going to level, emblem, LB Bertulf. His survival stats will be on par with a plain maxed Wu. I lose attack value but I hope to make up for that in 100% hits.
Wu (unemblemed) - 707-620-992
Bertulf +20 & LB - 603-627-1073
I switched to bertolf LB+20 and my titans hits went up like 25% over wu.
I use Miki for every titan except blue reflect and green, for which Tarlak swaps in. I tried Tarlak against standard blue titans and Miki’s results are significantly better. The only reason for maxing Miki is to help him survive, and at that he is pretty sturdy.
I haven’t had the nerve to try (not yet maxed) Bertulf. I have this theory that by the time I’ve fumbled for the items to keep him alive, the time lost on moving tiles would have been more worthwhile. This may not be the experience of people with quicker fingers than mine.
If you LB Bertulf, he doesn’t die so fast