Trying to decide who would make the best purple to double limit break to use as a tank. Any input appreciated. Thanks!
- Xnolphod
- Peppermint
- Bera
- Costume Killhare
- Killhare (w/costume bonus)
0 voters
Trying to decide who would make the best purple to double limit break to use as a tank. Any input appreciated. Thanks!
0 voters
None stand out to me…sorry
I personally wouldn´t LB2 the tank first. Seems to be the popular choice, but I find it makes more sense the LB2 the flanks first.
That is if you want to LB2 your war def. Really I think 3 and 4 stars make more sense to LB2.
Definitely not Killhare or Peppermint at tank. Maybe if you want, use Bera. She has that 6 turn defense boost to start the match.
But as the others have mentioned, going LB2 for a tank is not worth doing.
I would say bera. Nice that she is still getting relevance despite her being an older hero
Flank viselus for the poison heal. She gets defence boost from 2LB and also up to 10% overheal every turn once she sets up
Given the choice, I will take Bera as her def up will help her live to fire multiple times.
I myself was thinking of taking her from FS and eventually LBs her, but i have Ludwig who needs aethers for 1st lb already. So she will wait and she will be mostly offensive card for me.
If you are a spender I will wait for better tank cards.
I personally don’t think tanks need to be LB2 unless it is a special card like Aramis, but the other support cards around the tank that needs to LB2 as they decide the fight once tank is gone.
Sorry, but none of these Heros… better wait