Poseidon or Justice?

Hi guys, looking for a little piece of advice here. Managed to collect another set of darts and am now wondering whether I should ascend Poseidon or Justice to 4th tier. I realize normally Poseidon would be the obvious choice, but I already have Joon, Ranvir and Leonidas at max plus Jackal at 70+19. So maybe another yellow Sniper is not really needed in my roster? Then again, Justice might be a little too niche (rush attack raidT)? Don’t think I’d use her as tank.

If you are afraid of having too many fast snipers, please dont be. This still looks like very obvious choice for me.

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Justice can clear the board for you after def down

I didnt feel this will need any further explanation but OK… The only places where Justice would currently fit in are tanking, if your alliance uses yellow tanks, and, as OP has mentioned, some special cases of raid tournaments. As a yellow tank, she is quite good among the TC20 5*s, however there are many better options out there, for now I would just stick with either Leonidas or Poseidon for that role. As for those special tournament cases, taking into account the current rewards, I do not see it as a justification to spend your darts on a hero you will likely bench for anything else…

Justice if you change your mind about tank or really want a rush tank. Otherwise Poseidon to replace Rav in a war / raid yellow stack. He’s just better and more reliable than Rav outside of titans

Ciao io non possiedo poseidone ma molti altri eroi 5* gialli tra cui justice. Justice è stato uno dei primi eroi ottenuti ed livellati. X il primo periodo di gioco mi ha dato delle buone soddisfazioni come tank ma ormai gli eroi del set base son quasi tutti surclassati. Non vale la pena perdere tempo a far crescere un eroe che non useresti piu , molto meglio poseidone , sia per le caratteristiche fisiche che per la sua abilità ma sopratutto perché è rapido e di eroi forti come lui ne vorrai sempre

Welcome :slightly_smiling_face:

This is an English board, so please translate before posting. Thx.

Here’s a babelfishy translation of your Italian statement.

Hi I do not own Poseidon but many other 5 * yellow heroes including Justice. Justice was one of the first heroes obtained and leveled. X the first period of the game gave me good satisfaction as a tank but now the heroes of the basic set are almost all outclassed. It is not worth wasting time to grow a hero you would no longer use, much better Poseidon, both for physical characteristics and for his ability but above all because he is fast and strong heroes like him you will always want.

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Grazie , ma non sono pratico in queste cose . devo capire come si fa , scusami[quote=“Olmor, post:7, topic:124506, full:true”]
Welcome :slightly_smiling_face:

This is an English board, so please translate before posting. Thx.

Here’s a babelfishy translation of your Italian statement.

Hi I do not own Poseidon but many other 5 * yellow heroes including Justice. Justice was one of the first heroes obtained and leveled. X the first period of the game gave me good satisfaction as a tank but now the heroes of the basic set are almost all outclassed. It is not worth wasting time to grow a hero you would no longer use, much better Poseidon, both for physical characteristics and for his ability but above all because he is fast and strong heroes like him you will always want.

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