Poll- Emblems for Khufu?

I’m still a relatively new player. Finally finished ascending Khufu, my first red 5* to be finished. In terms of other monks, I have Azmia limit broken with twenty nodes on the talent grid, C-Drake Fong with three nodes (currently my only ascended 5* yellow), and Wu-Kong with ten nodes. Thinking maybe to strip Wu but also thinking maybe I should just leave everyone as is and slowly gather more?

What do you think?

  • Wait for emblems for Khufu
  • Strip Azmia
  • Strip C-Drake Fong
  • Strip Wu-Kong

0 voters

Based on the info given about your current maxed heroes I’m guessing you are still fighting at a developing level. As such I’d imagine an emblem less Khufu probably is still strong enough for where you are and as such I’d just wait for new as opposed to pulling them off anyone.