Pirates: What are you Auto Farming?

Now that I cleared all 3, I am not really thinking of trying to push rank. Last event there were a few levels that were great to autofarm. They had low energy, ok rewards and a chance at coins

So I ask all of you, what are you autofarming and why?

Stage 3 of Rare is the best one in terms of monster and EXP farming because of 1 energy.

No food or iron from Challenge Events though, if you’re looking for that then you need to hit the campaign or do some raids.


Rare.3 975 exp, 3 recruits and 9 monsters.

Don’t expect many chests

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Autofarming rare 1. Pulled 3 chests on alt. Yes, on rare 1.

Wish they were on my main, but… at least I know the chests are not a lie.

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Only done the rare up to more than 3 WE! Only come across 4 chests in the whole time playing cleared rare epic and up 6 on legendary.

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I’ve been doing Rare stage 3 as well… getting plenty of heroes to drop but haven’t seen a single troop drop. I got plenty in last event. Anyone seeing troops drop? Wondering if it’s on purpose or just completely bad luck!

I still do rare stage 3 for monster chests, as on my main I can clear it pretty darn quick with times being 44 seconds to 1:20 at most. I use Brienne, Ulmer, Melia, Valen, and Namahage. Dat phat Berserker’s fury + Atlantean Sword + defense down = massive profit.

I farm when I am getting frustrated at epic 15…

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Valen, Mnesseus, Gato, Namahage, Bane

they improved my Rare 3rd stage’s score with autoplay due to random chests.

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Melia, Namahage, Gill-Ra, Namahage, Melia

Usually under a minute farming rare 3. Still have only found 1 chest, even though all stages clear and farmed all day today. No WE flasks spent on this event as I save them for Atlantis. Why bother wasting them anyways looking for chests that are too rare to be useful.