🎅 Peppermint -- 5* Dark / Purple from Santa's Challenge (Winter)

Dunno what small giant was thinking to release him like that, 250% on average vs ogima release on the same day with 275% on fast hahaha
hope peppermint will get some love with a buff, I like the grumpy gnome


the latter…family bonus should help

Wow…just pulled this turd…really disappointed

Got him too… disappointed, but my efforts and tabbards are on Bastet now, so it’s not a big deal for the moment.
But I hope for a buff, he/she looks weak compared to the other Christmas heroes

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“Hahahaha” was my only possible reaction too.

They lost themselves. Can’t even make heroes with dignity anymore. Everything is a big nonsense.

Yea but you can’t compare these two. Peppermint gives you an additional Minion with gamebreaking 7% HP and a small dot over 4 turns, which will definitley Tick down because the whole enemy Team will still be there like nothing happened. Because the hero is simply mit good in comparisson to any other New Hero…

Ogima on the other hand has only a few side effects that are completly useless. Because if there are Minions, your whole Team is obliterated anyway…

This game becomes worse by the day… It’s a shame

Pulled him this morning at 00:41hrs.

Was happy to get him, only to come here and read about the not so positive reviews about him.

NO OFFENCE to all fellow friends here, who reviewed that he is not good.

Yes, agreed that Peppermint may not be as good as Bera, Freya, and other strong purple hitters.

But, like @gcheng668 said, I agree with him. Instead of complaining about pulling Peppermint, I will see how best we can fit him with our whole Xmas Family.

We are happy to get a 5*, cos last night, we did a crazy 78 single pulls and 1 x 10-pulls. All we got was a Mr. Pengi and 2 x HOTMs. We already pulled Mr. Pengi in the previous Covenant Portal earlier this year. Mr. Pengi is at 4/85 (14) now. So was kind of disappointed with getting our 2nd Pengi, instead of Augustus or Tinsel.

Yes, Mr Peppermint may be a less favourable choice than Tinsel (the most sought-after). Still, he is anytime better than all the Banes, Beliths, Busters, Carvers, Frostys, Priscas, Tyrums, Valens, Boldtusks, Keilies, etc… that we pulled in our 88 summons. :frowning:

No luck with getting Bastet or a strong purple hitter. We do have normal Victor and Clarissa from the early days of playing this game. But both are such weak heros.

So, in short, got to be contented that we pulled Mr Peppermint (used EHTs, 1st pull was Boldtusk, 2nd was Peppermint, then stop. Can search Youtube for my video.), instead of another Tyrum or Prisca. His joining of our hero roster gave us a “full house” for our Xmas Family (MN, Santa, Krampus, Peppermint, Mr. Pengi).

We can only keep our fingers crossed that SG will buff Peppermint up in the days to come, just like how they finally decided to buff Myzetero up recently.

Thank you, guys, for reading.



Me too like Celidana. But I have two of her. Im using the two for most difficult stages.

My small and rumble opinion after using Peppermint, the dud of Xmas Portal.


I will start saying no, not an horrible hero. But, not an awesome hero as well.

Things he/she can do:
• Damage to all.
• Summon minions.
• Damage over turn.

Let me speak about each of their special skill lines:
• Damage to all → 250% to all at average while they don’t own high attack stat. It is not irrelevant, but won’t do much without good combinations like EDD, DD and AU. (Elemental defense down, defense down and attack up).

• Minions → well, good for some combos like Pengui but xmas minions are just mediocre. Their minions have a very tiny amount of health. So won’t be useful as meat shield, only for specific combinations.

• DOT → Here where things get bad for real. Like S1 heroes (Azlar, Marjana and Sartana) who got their damage percentages sacrificed for adding DOT in their skills, which in my rumble opinion is bad, pepperming damage to all is also low because of this effect. In paper, 250% damage to all + DOT sounds good but in real life… it ends up in a low damage to all and a cleansable mediocre dot that is chained to board tiles. In other words, the DOT is most of time very low and wont do much for you unless you can give your enemies’ that damage increase ailment from Franz and HTusk.

Peppermint is not horrible, it can do 3 fantastic skills, but none like a master.

Damage is kinda low for an almost 2023 hero, DOT is unpredictable and minions are weak.

:heart: good partners to Peppermint:
• Glenda: increases their damage to 290%
• Franz/hammertusk: more dot damage
• penguin: minions + xmas family
• panther, serguei: edd
• any fast or average defense down to all heroes: morel, maat…
• krampus: attack buff + xmas family

That’s it :slight_smile:

Deserves a buff? Yes
Is it usable? Yes
Worth chasing and spending for? Nope


i am usually more interested in combinations of the same colour.

he has synergy potential with sergei, Khiona, Louhi, panther c, tiburtus c, rigard c… i wonder how much they can help.
sadly i didn’t get peppermimt to see

Yep, any attack up and def down like Tibs and C. Rigard are useful.

Not sure about Khiona. I have her and she is just more than mediocre everywhere. I would not recommend ascending and giving her valuable Rogue Emblems only for this combination. :sweat_smile:

Anybody have a fully maxed Peppermint they could share a screen shot of?


(Not mine. Alliance mate’s.) @want2

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I thought he was kind of dud-like at first, but I have upgraded based on my experiences in using him. I play him in a team of Onatel, Merlin, CC Viv, C Ameonna, Peppermint - therefore he is my primary skill-bsaed damage dealer. He is close to max emblemed but not LB’d. At up-front damage of 300-350 (roughly) plus approx 400 DOT over 4 turns he serves the purpose of dealing enough damage to kill off the enemy whilst the other heroes heal, defend and stop the defense from using their specials. The minions are minor but any boost over maximum is appreciated.

Yes this is a FTP roster BUT this team plays at 2300 to 2650 cups and at 4K TP takes on teams up to and including 5.2K TP and usually wins. So depending on the team and playstyle he is most definitely usable/useful even without buffers/debuffers.


I have Krampus and Mr. Pengi and I will try him with 3-2 formation with other two purple heroes with EDD (G panther) and attack up (C Rigard ) to see how it goes with raids.

Thanks mate. He looks pretty tanky!

There’s definitely a lot of different ways to play…that’s great!

I see u got pepper. How is the card overall.
I have a list of darks and thinking of levelling peppermint at some point.
My other cards are all from FS.

Better than most people giver her/him credit for, and better than I the credit I initially gave as well.

Non LB and about 10ish emblems in heshe does like 350ish damage up-front and then 110+ DOT per turn. I play a style where I have 2 support heroes and 2 mana controllers so heshe is really my only damage dealer… and heshe (whilst not the best in that category) generally gets the job done competently. The DOT is certainly not Rayne level but it is pretty good.

It all depends on your roster, but I have certainly gotten good use out of himher


Thank you for the feedback. I have Dupe Nyx, Freya, Seshat, Kage and Morax. So I wasn’t sure if Peper gets the nod ahead. Maybe I will do 2nd Nyx before the rest and then take the call.

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