We have 20 active players, level 40 to Level 100.
Use all war flags if opted in.
Optional Discord. We do not use Line.
Tuck the Fitans
We have 20 active players, level 40 to Level 100.
Use all war flags if opted in.
Optional Discord. We do not use Line.
Tuck the Fitans
We have ten active and are looking to merge. Two at level 93, and the rest all the way down to level 39.
What is your alliance? I can come visit.
@LottoLoser See above. Maybe I could hang out with you all to talk things over.
Our alliance is called -Harbingers-
Would love to talk about us joining you.
Oops…sorry -Harbringers-
Glad it worked out! See you in Alliance chat and Discord.
Did you find a merger? Anyone else out there with around ten?
Rage 2.0 needs merger. We do ten star titans and 16/19 war participants. Communicate in telegram sometimes and only requirement is if registered for war, use tickets please
Hi , yes, as seen above I wrote the original post and Lotto Loser responded. We did accomplish the merger, with 7 of their 10 joining us. This has worked out well for Monster Island, slightly bigger titans, and generally greater alliance vitality.
Good luck!
You could also try scouting through alliance listings and going to visit some smaller alliances to ask if they have any interest in a merge. I did not get to that point, but I was contemplating it.
Thanks, looked like it but wanted to make sure. Thanks for the response!
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