Alliance Merger Send My Rigards

SEND MY RIGARDS have been playing together for 3 years now but recent drops in players who stick around has seen us drop from 14 star titans to 10, with players down to 13 to 15. We are actively looking for a similar alliance to discuss a possible merger. Our group ranges from level 49 to 84 ish. Please get in contact if interested. GERONTIUS 2408 on line.


Good morning!

I tried to find you on LINE but couldnt. Drop me a message to discuss possible merge. DukeofTaurus on LINE.

Hi Duke,

Try this LINE ID:

You can also try mine (but I’m done for the night, Asia time here):

We’ll be in touch soon, either way!

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Hamnation wants a merge

Yes we at HamNation are looking for a possible merge and are in a similar position to yourselves. Our leader bub102x has joined line for this very reason.
Hopefully you can both make contact to discuss.


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