One of my greens needs LB (poll)

Hello! I have already LB’d Kadilen costumed and now I’m thinking to upgrade another one from my nature squad. I appreciate the help :slightly_smiling_face:

  • Lady of the lake normal
  • Lady of the lake costumed
  • Congalach
  • Lianna
  • Telluria
  • Wait for better hero

0 voters

LotL, but don’t bother with the costume since the normal version is better.


LoTL is a great hero, especially in regular form… If you find yourself using the costume occasionally, it’s less aethers to break that too, but if you don’t it’s not worth it.

Congalach is a great hero in certain formats, pretty beastly already but I’m not sure he needs it… Then again, if you use him a lot, it’s definitely an option.

Lianna is all about the damage - and LB will improve that… But even with costume, she’s a bit behind the curve.

Telluria belongs absolutely nowhere remotely near this list - only remotely relevant on defence and she’s not even that brilliant at that anymore. My personal philosophy on LB is that defensive merits matter, but if it’s not a hero you can use a lot then it’s probably not worth it - and Telluria pales by comparison to some/most green 4* healers.


Thanks to everyone who voted and natefrog & Bubbles for your time :slight_smile:

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Go with LoTL. Limit break both the normal and costume because there are some instances where having the ability to swap gives you an extra go on challenges like the magic tower, as well as class quests. In normal play I use the regular version.


Telluria, she is a timelss hero bahahahaha