Ol’ Reliables #12 - Frida

I know I’m little late, but beginning of January was a bit of tought time for me IRL.
Discussion about Mother North was created December 3rd, so gap is over 1.5 month, sike.
Well, better late than never - we start with 12th episode in general and 1st in 2025 with well known 2019 HOTM, Frida.

Note: we are discussing current state of Frida, picture might be outdated.


  1. Did you use Frida? Do you still use this hero?
  2. Your memories with this hero, either fighting with and against.
  3. How Frida stand compared to newer 5* heroes?
  4. How Frida stand compared to other heroes that decrease elemental defence?
  5. Is Frida still worth using?
  6. How do you imagine her future costume?
  7. Is Paladin good class for Frida? If not, which one would be better?
  8. General opinion about Frida.

1 I use her for years now. Now mainly in red Titan team (and some event teams) because she has become to squishy in pvp…
2 She was nice for years in pvp because if you fired her first she removed all nasty buffs
3, 4 and 5 She feels like a good 4* hero. The same role Iike Almur, gJackal and 2C Colen. EED is strong against titan, and strong in general against many foes.
6 Her future is pure the need for the costume bonus. If a hotm now would come out with modern stats but with the same skills i would train her without any thought. I dont care much about a costume but i cant imagine an improvement.
7 paladin is fine. Her role is EED en buff removal. And damage is secondary.
8 good but statwise very very outdated

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Completely agree. Still love her and would like to see her up to date, even If I have to do another costume.

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  1. For red titans and occasionally on a blue stacked war team
  2. I got her too late in the game from the FS. So she’s better than Nordi, but not by much
  3. She doesn’t. Super fragile and at Average speed good chance she’s dead before she fires
  4. Since I only have 2, she’s a wee bit better
  5. Use her very sparingly. even at 2LB she’s just not sturdy
  6. I see the lower hand holding a bag of ice. The skill “Polar Bash Party Bear”
  7. Good class to absorb maybe one extra hit
  8. She’s past her prime, only useful if there’s no other EDD option.

Great thread once again CL Fire!

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Did you use Frida? Do you still use this hero? - Yes and Yes. Mainly against the Mythic titans and in W3K these days. Back in the day I used her on all red titans and in all blue stacks but she’s a long way down the pecking order now

Your memories with this hero, either fighting with and against. - Wonderful memories of fighting with her. Along with Evelyn, Frida was one of my pride and joy heroes. That dispel was wonderful and we all know EDD is a timeless Skill. I don’t have memories of fighting against her though. Either she wasn’t an issue to deal with or I rarely saw or on a defence.

How Frida stand compared to newer 5 :sparkles: heroes? - She doesn’t. Her skill set is useful but she doesn’t have the stats to compete against the shiny heroes of today

How Frida stand compared to other heroes that decrease elemental defence? - For me, not so great again. Other Blue 5 :sparkles: EDD heroes have the stats on their side. Even C.Athena is often a better bet as she’ll last a bit longer

Is Frida still worth using? - Like with all heroes, it depends on what else you have. Again, her skill sets is solid enough but if you have C.Athena or even Cinnamon and the EDD is your primary concern then they would be the better bet.

How do you imagine her future costume? - I would love for a future costume to come with priority dispel and some frost damage as an extra. Maybe even increase her mana speed to fast too.

Is Paladin good class for Frida? If not, which one would be better? - Yeah, Paladin is a good class for her. I wouldn’t change that

General opinion about Frida. - Fabulous hero in her day ruined by power sprint (Can’t really call it a creep anymore). Could maybe restore some of her glory with a good costume but that’s about the best we can hope for these days. The fact she is rivaled by a mere 3 :sparkles: hero in Nordri is a crying shame.

Just one gamer’s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :guardsman:

Trip down the memory lane.

Frida was my very first HoTM of this game (and that’s when she was first released) and one of the first non-vanilla 5* I got to work on. Skillset is still viable when I am up against red targets and those that have buffs on. Not grand when having to take the first hit on the Ancient Tiger (and still might even be unsuccessful in doing the dispel), but the introduction of Caltrops made her viable as additional damage output once again.

Would like to see a Costume on her at some point, even cannot get it using Legendary coins again, but will definitely be one of my VO acquisitions 18 months later.


Frida was my first legendary hero. I pulled her a month after I started playing with the free 100 coins they gave me when Atlantis came around.

She was my strongest hero for years. Mana potting her was a key to winning challenge events. She remained my most used up until I got skadi from FS.

Nowadays she’s pretty much only used on titans. A fantastic early pull.

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