Offensive and defence team

Hi could someone help me? What should be my attack and defence team. Here what i have:

Any sugestion would be nice. Thank you.

Oh Now you have 4 Screenshots. 2 hours ago i saw only 2 Screenshots. Where are all These heroes Coming xD

Do you have any ascension materials left?

BTW, you have the wrong Khiona in your first team.

You have a lot of defensive heroes leveled, you should start focusing on leveling more hitters. And your defense team is clear, just use the maxed heroes you have, start working on more aggressive heroes. When it comes to offensive team you should tailor your team to the defense team meaning you want to have lots of choices for attackers. There’s no ONE attack team.

Those are my ascension materials

Curently im leveling 1 Khiona, 1 Drake, Caedmon, Marjana and Aegir. Hoping to get those ascension materials that im missing to level all of them up.

what does this do

Currently you have 5 teams - team 1, team 2, team 3, etc.
If you want to have more slots to keep a team for each Titan color or whatever you can extend the number of slots with this offer

My suggestion is to stop whag you are doing for fhe momeny, and look at what your best geam could be wirh what you have.

The team you pick has to be able to finish ghe final level of each rare quest, or those 5* heroes will languish at unusable levels.

You have some very good 4*s in Kiril and Wu Kong as well as Rigard, but they do not attack. Add Li Xiu, Gormek and Caedmon to the team at 3^60. This is a good transition team.

And forget defense. Just remember to clean your tower.

Thanks for reply @Bud. Actually i’m able to finish every rare quest with wu kong, melendor, kiril, tiburtus and wilbur. It took some time to level them but was worth it. 5* heroes unleveled are worse then fully lvled 4*. But i hope to get more ascension materials from event, rare quest and titans. Then i an upgrade those 5*. :slight_smile:

Whom to lvl next: wilbur 4 tier or marjana 3 tier?