📯 [October 2020] Portal Stats & Summon Results – Season 3 (Valhalla)

Can I get one Kvasir, please? I can’t seem to have the luck of getting him :frowning:

Had 400 coins: Richard, Wu Kong, Fura, Grevle.

Too bad I already have Richard from training camp and sitting at 3 / 70. I’m waiting for some better blue from Hero Academy to invest my scopes in.

No Gefjon (yet hopefully), but about 20 coin pulls in I get this:

3 trap tools and 1 tabard short, but I swear to god I’m gonna make all you mofos who ran Alfrike tanks during the last no-holy rush tourney pay. I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!!!11111shitfone :crazy_face:


First pull of 21 coin pulls. Sadly, it seems I used up all my luck here as no other 5-star (much less Gefjon!) or even an Almur showed up.

No complaints though!


I pulled a total of 90 times. I got Azlar. I’m sorry, but please don’t play jokes on me? A ridiculous game.

I did 60 pulls in all, 30 from coins saved up over a few months, and 3 ten-pulls. Ratatoskr, Skadi, Freya (dupe), and Joon (dupe) are my 5-star heroes. I only had one S3 5-star, Freya, before, so I guess I cannot complain too much with these heroes new to my roster. But I was hoping for Gefjon, and some of the more hyped-up 5-stars like Alfrike, Frigg, and Bera, and maybe a bonus draw for Zulag! Oh well… RNG is RNG.


Aw, I wish I could send him your way, I really do.

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I decided to use my 7 pulls from coins as red heroes are featured, pulled Lady Loki on the first pull so i guess im happy.

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Had enough coins saved up for 5 pulls. Got this on my first:

Also got Agnes, Jarvur, and Brynhild, who I didn’t have yet, and another Kashhrek for food (along with Björn, who was my 4th).

I can’t complain, for a change.


1000 saved coins + 30 pull for 8 400 and no S3 5* hero, just as expected. Neither Zulag has shown. Luck

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I was saving Valhalla coins for months for Gefjon and had like 3000… but then spent them all desparate for yellow HotM last month (didn’t get him anyway). What an idiot.

Only managed to get 7 coin pulls so far. Got over the average number of S3 4 stars (Mireweave, Shadereave, Stonecleave, Almur), Skittleskull, Ganju and Bjorn. But I do not miss any of them so they were food.

I have some gems and my eyes on the prize, just awaiting the next day offers to roll in before going the great summoner mode… probably for the last time this year (unless Drake is featured on ToL).

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100 coins, 1 pull, 1 Kashrek.
I doubt I will ever need a second Kashrek, but I will keep him for a while.
See you next month Valhalla portal, now I’m waiting for Morlovia :slight_smile:


Finally satisfied, with 6 moves I leave 3 heroes


5x summon - Azar, Prisca and 3x By-Ulf. RNG? Really? :slight_smile:

Finally after 18 months a decent purple for my mountain of Tabards !


7139 USD to get 77% CHANCE to have 5*… kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

abusive game


X10 pull

Tyr and my 2nd Freya



Got Gefjon, which is what I was aiming for. Rest of the 30 pull felt “bad” but actually beat the portal odds. I got 20% Valhalla 4star (portal odds 14.6%) and 13% s1 4star (portal odds 11.9%).

Overall, I got what I was saving for - a red sniper - so I’m happy.


As a F2P, I saved gems for a long time to do a 30x pull, aiming for any non-S1 5-star hero.

All I got was my third Horghall.


I did 24 pulls with same result xD

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I did some pulls and all I got was 3*…
Norns will be my 5* from Valhalla for a long time :sweat_smile: