Saved gems (sort of) and Valhalla coins for October in the hopes of summoning Gefjon.
Not to be.
64 summons and not a single 5*.
The one tiny, tiny silver lining is the arrival of my first two Gullinbursties. Being fattened up now and need to go read up on his thread to learn how to maximize his impact (Wilbur I believe is the key).
Like basically everyone here, I was saving up to pull for Gefjon. Made 15 coin pulls (a lot for FTP). To the big question, no, I did not get Gefjon. Here’s the rundown, starting with the boring stuff.
Jarvur x 3
Li Xiu
New stuff:
An-Windr x 3
Almur (WOOHOO! One of my targets.)
I also got one ascension mat chest, which gave me Grimore Dust x 2 and a compass. Meh.
Overall, I think this is a decent haul, and worth the coins spent. Lots of new stuff to work on, but boy is my list of greens to level getting long!
As ftp, my saved gems will be better used at a chance to pull c marj. Not saying that she is better than gefjon but c marj synergizes better with red stacked heroes.
Anyway, congrats to those who pulled gefjon, she is absolutely a fun and strong hero to use.
And do not forget about main costume motto: pull one, others from TC)
So, for f2p and even vC2P better to aim to costumes.
Will pull someone this evening)
I went crazy this time: 35 pulls is a lot by my standards. No 5 star, no Gefjon. Last 10 pull was especially ridiculous. The best I’ve got was Kelile.
If we add 25 pulls in the last costume chamber, it’s 60 pulls without anything I’d use (all dupes).
Message understood. The game does not want to give me a 5*. So I’ll stop trying.
Hadnt planned to do any pulls this time round. Was planning to save my 500 coins for when Lord Loki comes and a Hotm I’d prefer. But I can never keep the free coins long enough. Got Ulmer, 2 Agnes, Scarlett (dupe) and with last one Jott. Jott makes it worth it for me. Happy enough with results.
I finished the 3 new provinces on Normal, and did a free coin pull: Ratatoskr.
My first one.
The only problem is, 2/6 tonics and 0/1 tome of tactics - so far been waiting 2 months just for one ToT.
And now, I have more heroes at 3/70 to pick from (Malosi, Guardian Kong, Anzogh, Magni, Vivica, Zimkitha, Sir Roostley - but i will be going with Magni as I have slow blues otherwise (Miki, Isanria, Snow White))
Havent spent much on summons in 3-4 months. Been saving for gefjon and badly want frigg. Frigg wont show for me! Garnet will be ascended though before gefjon
Wow, got Gefjon on my 2nd pull and she’s my first S3 hero too. Luckiest pull ever as I’ve been saving up forever to pull for her and was expecting to waste a all my coins and a butt load of gems. Thank you E&P for finally smiling down on me with S3.
Now I gotta decided whether to do more pulls for other heroes or save my other 14 coin pulls and all my gems for next time.
Edit: First time also I’ve done hero/food storage and getting her up to 3/1 in 10 minutes is a great feeling.
Had 4 1/2 pulls worth of coins. Would like gefjon but have a maxed marjana and all s3 4*s so would rather save diamond for new costumes. Also last time I did a lot of pulls for bera with no luck (did get lady loki so she’s my current red project).
At valhalla summons with the objective to receive Gefjon, rates are 1.3 for the legendary and 0.3 for the featured hero.
my doubt is the rate for featured hero (gefjon) are comulative? (1.3 + 0.3)
if it’s not comulative the best way is to wait for the next month and then the percentage of it will be 1.3
Sorry for the English mates.