Expecting to meet Horghs all the way and hoping not to get matched with too many Yunan and Lakey tanks.
Meet my Big John and loose
Expecting to meet Horghs all the way and hoping not to get matched with too many Yunan and Lakey tanks.
Meet my Big John and loose
Got this set up worked out for now. Could get gaderius is there unemblemed, or LJ at +9 but Lianna at +9 is hard to take out. Any thoughts?
Good luck everyone!
LJ is the best man for rushs, since he will make the opponents charge like normal. Swap him in for Lianna and set up Gad as your tank.
Frida is the answer here. Her protect ice against nature will be huge with no fire heroes. Set to super fast… her dispel three as well.
I think I’m gonna try something different (thanks to what I saw here). I don’t have an ideal green tank so going Vivica. I want that quick heal and defense up. Then, the thing I got from here, I’m throwing in a Little John (a sandwich sounds good right now). Thoughts?
Something like Kunchen, elk, gad, lj, justice? Or isarnia in place of justice?
Isa Kun Gad LJ Justy
Imo slower heroes will do better during rush attacks, since fast ones won’t profit enough from the heavy mana boost.
Also I found out the hard way that just because a color has been cut does not give you a free pass to make fundamentally bad defense decisions. You need a better tank than Greg otherwise the whole defense collapses.
Use the best tank you have, hopefully not Gregorion.
And… and if you’re still going to tank with Greg… maybe give him the lv14 crit troops. Just saying.
I have Thorne and Richard in blue but didn’t want blue in what I think is going to be a heavily green stacked tourny. My other ascended 5* s are Sartana, Obakan and Ranvir. No heavily emblemed 4* s besides Kiril and Melendor. I think this is my best. Definitely will change the troops around, thanks
Well I’m going Richard+7, so I guess we can compare notes.
Hmm. Not a lot of good options, since my two most likely 5 stars are red. Thinking of
Thoughts are welcome. Like @MD-DC i’ve Learned the hard way that color stacking against the excluded color isn’t a panacea if those aren’t your strongest heroes
Need some help. Leaning towards taking advantage of the rush speed instead of the no reds but suggestions appreciated.
Could insert LotL 3/70 to replace Onatel in the first defense.
Do you think Ona and hel wouldn’t work well together? Or for that matter Kunchen and Guin?
Normally they don’t but with the very fast speed, I’m curious.
Synergy notwithstanding, defense B looks more intimidating to my eyes. Defense A has better synergy between Evelyn and Lianna, but I can foresee a lot of attackers basically getting no mana on defense B which can be a death sentence on bad boards.
And idk about Evelyn on defense. I see her there a lot but like with Frida, she rarely does anything by herself and even more rarely do the stars align to cause a complete meltdown. I usually see Evelyn as only slightly worse than nothing at that point at all. Idk.
This is the team I’m thinking of, Kunchen is my best tank. Not sure about Li, I rarely run her on defense. I have Aegir and Magni maxed, Kadilen and Seshat at 3-70. Plus the other 4* greens.
Ok will try that. 2 4 stars n the center of a 5 star tourney seems like it could go bad but should be interesting either way. Thanks!
So many possibilities, but can’t agonies about it all evening.
Settled on this for now, unless anyone points out any crazy errors.
Cant do worse than my ‘E’ defence in the last tournament - can it?
@Olmor I see you’re packing the Owl for this one, it looks like he is gonna be fun for attackers.