šŸ… [Oct 27, 2019] 28th Raid Tournament! ā€” 5* Rush Attack, No Fire/Red

Kasherack is a little bit of a problem. No red in this tourney so he is subpar healer now

I would take a good four star instead of him

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What about these guys? I have to hurry up with Yunan! :sweat_smile:


I was thinking of trying a very similar team.


Oh yes. Vivica would be good, too. I got her on +7. Should I take her in?

This is who I am going with. Might put Kingston in for Brienne is I can get him to a decent level.


Frighteningā€¦yunan and all this group upfrontā€¦

Gonna be the first 5* tourney I participate in. I expect to get knocked out early, but meh. Hereā€™s what Iā€™m going with:

I do have an Elkanen with no emblems, but I think in rush attack, Vivica would be stronger. I like the ā€œtrapā€ synergy of the wing Panther and Seshat. Weā€™ll see.

I like to think this is at least a super annoying defenseā€¦ :sweat_smile:

This is my teamā€¦ I know itā€™s not much, but I would like to hear your opinion. Should Kage and Tiburtus switch places? Same question for Kiril and Triton.

I have a question. Are there any 2* tournaments planed for the future? I realized a lot of negative response after the first and actually last one. I have no problem with a 2* tournament, because I build up an adequate team. But if there are no 2* tournaments planed for the future, I like to remove these heroes and open the slots for better heroes.
If anyone knows the answer, please inform the community.


I thought the same. But I have no more leveled 4* I thought of Carver but I doubt he will even fire

Going to roll with this teamā€¦ I may pass out some Wizard and Druid emblems as I have some banked.



Been looking forward to this one for a whileā€¦surprises me though that so many people go mono at the great sacrifice of a LOT of troop TP. Should be fun to see the dynamics of the different teams play out though. Have fun all.


@MD-DC Your defense will do just fine imo. You got Kingston, G. Panther, and the one woman undead army herself Seshat.

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Iā€™d be inclined to go with the full slow-defense abuse. Why have a rush attack tournament with ascended heroes if you donā€™t use them? :joy:

Just as long as you remember that your matchups will be based on your strongest (ie highest emblemed) heroes as of right now. So given the sliiiiiightly higher number with the full-slow team on Team Power, Iā€™d go with full slow. Might as well have fun with it, right?

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Well I mean in my offense. I just donā€™t have the firepower to get to the top 1% bracket, but maybe I do and am cutting myself short. :man_shrugging:

How will my defense do? Who knows. I donā€™t think anybody has any idea how their defense does at the end of the day since RNG plays such a huge role. I decided to stop stacking against the removed color since that did terribly the last few times I did it, and I think a lot of more invested players than me have mentioned that it doesnā€™t help as much as people think it does. Itā€™s great if your tank happens to be the color weak to the removed color, and I do have an Elkanen who would be a pretty decent tank in this (just imagine how hard heā€™d be to kill), but Iā€™m not moving the emblems off my Vivica JUST for the sake of this tournament, and I donā€™t think Richard would do terribly. Weā€™ll see.

@MD-DC I think a green tank flanked by hard hitting snipers or AoE heroes should be fine. Since it is rush attack after all.

This tournament is awful for me. All my green heroes, just a bunch of Elksā€¦

I canā€™t really seem to decide. Probably not mono green. Will try to get lady of the lake up there in time.

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This will be my team this go around as I donā€™t have Yunan and my other Sesh is only 3/70. John/Onatel together absolutely cripples Mana generation for the other side as they stack if youā€™ve got both, so this seems to be the time to try them on defense.