šŸÆ [Oct 2020] Ninja Tower Event - FAQ & Discussion

This is my early experince. It is fun and different. Point system is good, you make points by combos. But Why hunters lodge items are available in the event? So again standard players donā€™t have too much chance. People with high titan kill will win the tournament. You fix something and break something always :rage:

Free XP but rewards are funny :slight_smile: Really not worth chase for it.


Is there a flask???

Fair point; however, TP is not a relevant piece of information in challenge events. You are not at risk of your heroes beginning disabled and you can play your best hand all the time without risk. In this regard, ninja is more akin to ToL, notwithstanding that one is a competition against other players and the other is not.

I think TP is highly relevant in this event and I canā€™t see how including this information would prejudice and subset of the player base, so I donā€™t see a reason to exclude it.

I think 2 is too small. It needs to be 3 or 4.
I am not getting tiles to match and get rid of the curses, so itā€™s already unfair. Itā€™s, as always, based purely on luck/chanceā€¦

Tower flag flask sold on offer for the event, Day 1.

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Iā€™m not really excited about the Ninja Tower event. Unstable ninja heroes in Raid defense arenā€™t very interested, and the rewards for clearing events are like a joke. The only advantage of the Ninja Tower event would be that I wouldnā€™t have to spend any money during this event. I probably wonā€™t use gems on the Ninja portal for the rest of my life.

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I have finished the first 10 levels (not planning on buying refills, so as far as I get is as far as I getā€¦). I have 2-3 heroes with one curse, none disqualified, but Iā€™m not planning on using the cursed 3*s anyway. Little John has a curse, I believe, but without emblems, he is only going to be used once or twice more anyway.

Thereā€™s obviously a big luck factor here ā€” if you get a red curse with no nearby red tiles, itā€™s probably going to go off. Valhalla had me programmed to think I couldnā€™t move the curses to make matches, which had me let one go off that didnā€™t need to. I now know I can move them.

I used all three stars for the first 5-6 levels, and started mixing in 4* / unmaxed 5* after that. I went mostly mono, though on two levels, I went 3-2. I have had two heroes killed in battle.


are these awards? where are 4 * items? where are the avatars? ā€¦ (for the sake of such awards, go through 50 floors? And what kind of heroes did you make it a shame for you !!! just to get money out of the players !!! do it right, and then wait for the donation !!!


is there a penalty on score if we repeat a floor?

Repeat a floor as in, if you flee or die?
You canā€™t repeat a floor once you have completed it.

Yes, it costs 50 gems and recovers 5 energy.

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Wonderful calculation

50 levels = 50 coins

100 coins = 1 pull

50 coins you will get if you finish in top 5000 which is hard.

So if i am ftp and i finish at 5001 i can t even do a pull?
Also the rewards are not good, emblems are everywhere this days

In case youā€™re over 5k, by next month you get to do a pull. A Bane / Dawa each 2 months :smiley:

Yes, but in December

I used tornados to prevent the curses, and it worked, no curses in the 10 first levels

Same here. But bear in mind that the higher the floor, the lower the number of Tornados you can get :pensive:

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Iā€™m glad this doesnā€™t use WE and has an energy system where I can spread the battles over the day (and not feel like I need to hit all 10 flags in one sitting). As a newish player, though, these oni curses are rough. Iā€™ve only played 4 floors, but even on these lower levels I had oni tiles appear back-to-back. Consecutively. Only good RNG saved me - really, I donā€™t think breaking these tiles so far had anything to do with skill. Once I start racking up curses, Iā€™m finished because I have such a limited bench. Long story short, I wish SG would relax the oni tile system just a little bit. I actually like it as a challenge - just add another curse strike (3 instead of 2) or lower the appearance rate. Something like that. I donā€™t expect to go as far as long time players, but Iā€™d like to be able to go half way or so. Maybe I will lol - this is pretty early feedback.

PS. also intrigued by the blessing system. Thatā€™s a nice twist.

did SG think about it before removing the mana boost on ninja troopsā€¦ ? Will SG be surprised when noticing that NO ONE is invoking troops during the event ?
Mana troops are harder to get during the event because of those less useful troopsā€¦

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