Ninja Tower difficulty - super mega ultra hardcore?

Ok does anyone else find the difficulty insanely ridiculous? Level 4 of the impossible level and boss enemies are hitting me for 1500-2000 damage.

Or maybe it’s just a biased observation on my part :thinking:


What blessings do you choose?

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same as always? yes it´s hard, well supposedly it´s impossible…so in that light it´s rather easy :smiley:



which is, to an extent, fine and dandy if

A) you have overhealers
B) of any real size
C) that haven’t been cursed into oblivion at this point


Have slogged my way thru to 10, and finding it more difficult then the last NT, which I played up into Impossible a few floors. The boards have been trash and oni curses targeting the same hero repeatedly ( almost, always the healer ) until it gets a curse on it.
Am tossing in the towel on it.

It’s become even more irritatingly tedious and boring, as if that were possible. :roll_eyes: But then we are talking about ZTT, the kings of royal cluster fing a game. :rofl:


Oh so the curse also keeps targeting your healer? Same with me - had to use tornadoes repeatedly


Almost every time. And the battle item usage just feels wasteful for pale rewards, imo.

Is like pulling teeth out of duck.


I haven’t played 2 ninja towers and wanted to see if this still is one of the most crappy events.
Decided to quit after 3 floors and 2 cursed healers.
Already felt frustration grow again as there where no moves to avoid it.
So maybe in a year time or so (if the game is still alive) I might give it another try.
For now, skip it and do not have the frustration, better for my blood pressure.


The difficulty isn’t the issue. There should be something in the game for everyone. It would be lame to for it to be easy enough for everyone to complete. It continues to bewilder me that there are no chests in impossible. You should get a mega chest at the end with a 4 star mat. There is one tower a month. It would make the whole thing so satisfying. As it is, most people seem to feel like it was a waste of their time to do impossible. You don’t even get an avatar or some kind of trophy. I wish the devs would consider a change.


My roster has slightly improved over the last year with Soul Exchange and Fated Summon and some lucky pulls so I did fine until impossible 5 so far. I had a lot of struggles in towers before coming up with this team

I rely on Winifred for attack down (she reduces 54% for 6 turns) and LuBu for fiends that block enemies buff as long as his fiends are there

Soul Exchange gave me Ludwig that can make both shot faster and repeatedly and Milena who I use for healing depending on the health of the team or attack

Completing the team I have Franz for damage increase since I don’t have Hammertusk

And I use all the mana blessings, especially both than complete mana at boss wave. So they are almos always firing special skills

Personally I think Styx Tower much harder. In some stages you simply can use some
Whole classes of heroes; furthermore the Styx tower heroes do hit hard in the boss wave and they are immune to DD and EDD

I totally agree with you. It’s frustrating not getting anything from impossible.

But even so I try to make the tower for experience and emblems

Happy gaming


Just don’t let them hit you.
I am at lvl5 impossible and if I remember correctly, I got hit once around level 20 normal

Yes I can’t pass the 1st one yaaaaaa!!!

Will admit that I haven’t been playing the Tower like I’ve used to. But I think since they were smart to not have Styx Tower have a curse that locks heroes out and they’re updating this event with the new heroes as bosses, maybe they could redo the Oni tiles to just place uncleansable debuffs on those randomly-picked enemies that last 2 to 3 turns.

Or extend the amount of turns to actually get matches done to those tiles from 3 to 5 or 6.

Potentially easier said than done, depending whom you have: many lockdown heroes are more unreliable when their Mindless Attack or similar specials are reduced to one turn duration. Straight mana-cutting heroes help more, but it’s a matter of keeping them firing often enough to keep pace and, of course, keeping them uncursed (if they are a linchpin of anti-boss strategy).

And it may well be nontrivial for many players to just pump out so much damage that bosses just drop before ever firing at all. One unfavorable tile cascade and, oof.

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My F2P secondary main got to Impossible level 6 on the previous Ninja Tower, and that was a little more than a month after that account was created.

Now, at 4 and a half months, it got flawlessly to Impossible 6 without even using that many items.

I use Buster (60 lvl) Treevil (60 lvl), ccKiril (70 lvl) Onatel (80 lvl) and gHippo (80 lvl).

Of course I continue to climb today, I will even make some videos and post them here.

Blessings currently are: Mana generation 20%, attack up 15%, health 5%, Attack stack +10%, Defense Stack +5%, 5% mana and 100 hp on casting special skill, 10% minions.

On previous NT tower, however, I prioritized defense and HP blessings above all since my heroes were way underleveled.

Fully agree with you!
With one exception: No matter how many rewards SG hands out people will always complain it´s not enough, that´s just what people do, so really there isn´t much incentive for SG to change anything. If they gave out an avatar, people would call it lame, if they gave out a 4star mat, people would say it´s not enough… So I guess they just don´t bother :smiley:

Anyway I guess the reason why there are no rewards in impossible is that the event is finished at normal. After that it´s purely an exercise for people that want to compete. There are a few more rewards from ranking in the end, but that´s it.
So I see it actually as a good thing for FTPs: You don´t want to go past normal: Perfect absolutely no reason to do so!

Is Onatel still useful on the impossible floors with the ailment duration severely reduced?

How were you able to do that - what items did you have available by that stage?

I couldn’t get to a similar level until about 4-5 months into my account

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I simply utilized the resources I had at that time, which were bomb type items + Buster. Due to careful planning and constant titan hunting I got level 16 forge pretty early on, that ensured even Dragon attacks. I also had ccKiril at level 60 for the overheal which also helped a lot. The moment Buster fell to double curse, I was unable to proceed any further. Because at that time I didn’t have access to any Tornadoes except the few free ones from a random chest or free gift.

But at the time, one might say “stop after completing Normal”. I didn’t and just barely made it to 100 coins, and from the single pull got Sapphire, which boosted my progress by a lot.

That she is. Any of the mana-stealing heroes are extremely useful on the Impossible floors. You see, the same effect (Erratic time) which reduces their mana stealing debuff by 50% also grants it significant power - sure it only lasts for 2 turns, but it steals 50% on the first turn, and full 100% on the second turn before disappearing. That alone serves as a tremendous amount of mana control + recharges Onatel ASAP for another hit. Pair that with Treevil’s mana generation debuff and you can understand why I currently have zero bosses firing against my team.

Of course, enemies can still resist to that, but even so when you hit all 3 bosses with these effects several times (with mana items if need be), the chances of all resisting all the time is very low.

F2P players (prior to getting Onatel from FS) were using cRenfeld with the same effect although considerably weaker hit back in the days. The proper blessings, emblems and lvl 1 LB makes even 3* very hard to kill. And x2 recently makes them even tougher, meaning losing one is becoming less and less of an issue, provided one is at least somewhat careful.


I just nuke them before they could fire. Gulli-cb Khagan-Sun Shanxgiang- Tethys- g Hippo team

Anyone with G.Hippo has walked through the tower like nothing is there.

I haven’t even really tried to get max points, just been playing item lite and due to not wanting to finish tomorrow (not religious…just lazy) I got 2 flasks to smash through it today.

G.Hippo, Xnol, Franz, Bobo & Khufu…didn’t get a single curse either :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

Hoping to hold Top 500 and hoping Hippo doesn’t get a nerf because much like with Xnol this has been very stress free