Crazy birthday luck and got both featured new ninjas and Archie, but now not sure who to prioritize. Probably more focused on improving my defense, which currently consists of: Grace, Hypnos, Onatel, Dark Lord, C Alasie. Working on Cupido, so will soon tank Cupido.
Congrats again! As mentioning earlier, it depends if you want to use them specifically on defense or you are ok only with offense.
I see that Lord Loki got most votes, but he is also not good for defense.
In my opinion, although not ideal, Archie and Milady, on average, will perform better on defense. On offense the ninjas are definitely a better choice. Lord Loki also shines on offense
Thanks @sleepyhead! Thoughtful and considerate as always! I’ll enjoy my birthday luck (and money) while it lasts… but also ready for the dry spell to return. But at least I’ll have these shiny new preciouses…
Not really, being fast, cutting mana and slowing mana gen (and rogue), C. Alasie will become a problem much faster on defense, one of the reasons you don’t see many Myladies on def.
And yes, Archie would be better on defense than Grace.
But I do agree with @Chadmo Personally I would choose Lord Loki (and I do have all the three Ice heroes you mentioned) and Myoin-Ni (only have Archie). They would help much more your offense. in a variety of situations
Smart advice. Lord Loki is the great “1” in a 4-1 attack team. If you get the tiles for the stack you can use Loki to help destroy them. If you don’t get tiles, Loki can copy the healer and buy some time. There is no hero more fun than Loki.
So I may end up doing Archie over Myoin-Ni for a very strange reason. I did another 11 pulls (hoping for Killhare) and got 2 TWO more Archie’s (he previously was my 54th pull). So I feel as if I have to level at least 1.