Next red to ascend

Hi, I just need one more set of rings to ascend another red 5* but which one ? The choice involves : Jean-François, Grazul, Baldur, Guardian Kong, dupe Gefjon, Tyr. I don’t think I will max Reuben a day, nor Elena.

I was considering Grazul, because I need an ailment blocker. But I have no emblems for her… Lidenbrock, Mother North and Motega ate them all.
In another hand, I could emblem Jean-François (maybe +6/7) and Guardian Kong (+18).
Tough choice, I mean.

My current red roster : Elizabeth (+20 + LB), Gefjon (+19), Red Hood (+14), Queen of Hearts (+18), Marjana-C (+11), Lady Loki (unemblemed).

What would you do ?

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I would probably max Grazul anyway, even unemblemed she will be very helpful with ailments blocking.


I would choose Grazul too. You already have Gefjon and Marjana, the two best Red Snipers so Tyr would be a disappointment compared to them. Grazul’s speed is her real strong suit even with her short Ailment block and minor healing you can set her off multiple times on offense and once you have the emblems, on defense she can be a pain if you can’t take her out fast enough.


Thanks a lot, so I will go with Grazul. :slight_smile:

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I have a similar request. Also waiting on last set of rings for: Noor, Azlar(c), Grazul, or Marjana. My maxed red 5s are GM, Khagan(c), JF, and PiB. Is Grazul also my answer? I think I have been leaning toward Marjana, as I’m missing that sniper.

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I go with Grazul also in your case. Marjana used to be good before S3 heroes arrived, but now she doesn’t really keep up with the power creep. Ailment block + small healing with ok 5* stats are much more needed and more rare than a snipe. You can limit broke Kelile and you will have a very good sniper in her until you get a better 5* sniper.

I say Grazul also. Fills a niche you don’t yet have filled.

I don’t consider Tyr a true sniper though. I do get frustrated with low attack but I’ve literally had him take down teams almost on his own. Maybe 4 or 5 times, with a little bit of luck to keep his mana moving, I had him 1 vs 4 and just kept healing and reviving. He was part of my defense team for a while until I pulled an Elizabeth but he’s much more of an attacker than defender.

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Tyr is my choice………….

Grazul, unless you hit costume for Marjana from HA or costume chamber (which will apparently not appear this month). That debuff blocker is damn useful with current meta plagued with DoTs, defense decreases and what have you. It blocks even unremovable debuffs so it’s even preferable to cleanse.


I just picked up Queen of Hearts from HA10. Does she move ahead of Grazul for rings?

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I would say QoH because you have PiB, they have great synergy, you can summon taunt minion with PiB or QoH and have second one “saved” at ready to use at any moment.