Next Red 4 / 5 stars?

Good afternoon.
I’m not sure which red to ascend: Khufu or Wilbur.
I’m not comparing them. I’ll level both, I just don’t know which one is first.
My red 4* are: C-Boldtusk LB +20, Aodhan LB +20, Ferant LB +20, Guardian Falcon LB +20, Lancelot +20, C-Scarlet, Gormek and Junaid, but Wilbur is missing for events.
My red 5* are: Octros (on defense) LB +20, Nemo LB +20, Zagrog LB +20 , Yang Mai LB +20, Russel and Mitsuko.
I have items for either two 2, emblems too, just missing the ethers.
I would like your opnion.
ps: translated by google

I would easily go Khufu if you have the rings. Post-buff he’s just devastating. I pulled Wilbur late. I ascended him but have no emblems for him and never use him. He annoys me as much as helps me. To me it’s a hands-down situation.

Khufu. Right now he’s the king of power for the reds.

Costume Wilbur is only good for events and titans. If you already have that area covered, don’t bother much about him

In my honest opinion I would focus on Khufu 100%
You can’t go wrong
Whichever hero you choose good luck

good evening everyone, no doubt I would choose khufu, the hero who does the most damage of all in the game, as well as taking him calmly against the titan and events, has a good passive, and lowers the defense

Personally, I always level 4* heroes first before doing anything with the 5*s, especially in the case of Wilbur, a key hero for mono red teams! I have mine regular + costume bonus, lb’d both sides and +20. That’s how important he is to me. Wilbur will greatly improve the damage by octros and Aodhan for example. Maxing Wilbur will provide a key role in your teams much much faster and cheaper than leveling khufu. That being said, khufu is a monster and is also definitely worth your time and resources. Note: both share monk class, so embleming both fully might be problematic.

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