Hello as I noticed blue tanks in wars happen quite often, I want to make a new green project. My currently maxed greens are Telly+14, Lady Locke+10, Brynhild+19, cCaed+9, cMel, Almur, Hansel and Little John.
I plan to get Lady of the Lake to 3/70 (not enough tonics) and then I want to max another green 4*. The problem is my candidates are nothing to write home about. I can pick between cKasshrek, Gadeirus, Gobbler and cSkittleskull. Kash’s costume is nice but Kash would be quite useless to me outside of wars and Gobbler could be good for new undead horde mode and minion meta but still, he doesn’t excite me at all, ditto for the rest of those heroes. So who should I level, if only for the war depth?
- Costume Kasshrek
- Gobbler
- Gadeirus
- Costume Skittleskull
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