Newbie Team Building/Hero Help

Hey All, new to the game, level 20.

My current team consists of the following heroes:

Blue - Boril**** (lvl 39, 3rd ascension)
Purple - Prisca*** (Max)
Yellow - Bane*** (Max)
Red - Azar*** (Max)
Green - Hisan (Max)

Im currently building out the following to (hopefully) upgrade my team:

Blue - Gato*** (probably not a better option)
Purple - Balthazar***
Yellow - Chao****
Red - Colen****
Green - Belith*** (I really need a healer in my lineup)

Since I dont spend a lot of $ on the game, I have to be selective with my hero summoning. Should I spend my limited gems on either a Purple or Green since I dont have a 4 star (leaning towards Purple first since at least Green hero can be a healer)?

Thanks for your help!

I would suggest to not use gems for elemental summons, S1 heroes without costumes are much weaker than new heroes.
We will have challenge festival soon, there are no S1 heroes in this portal and I would recommend to pull there.

Second best option in my opinion is costume chamber because most of the costumes are very good.


So early on the game don’t spend much on summons. You will end up with a lengthy bench of heroes you have no resources to ascend. And for that roster space you also have to pay :frowning:
The set you have selected for upgrading is a good one. And don’t push too hard for 4*, 3* are much cheaper option to begin with, and they will help you to win mats to ascend higher level heroes. Yes, 3* are strong enough to finish 4* mat level on rare quests.
Anyway, if you don’t have mats to ascend a 4* to 4th level, wait with training - 4* on 3/60 is less useful than maxed 3*, but uses more resources to get there.

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Build what you have and keep your hero token for seasonal summons. Even if you got lucky and land a 5*, it’ll be 6 mths before you could max it. 4* is your best friend going forward and you’ll need like 10-15 of them. Same goes for 3* to get you thru all the early stages and quest. Keep all high level battle items that you get for free. You’ll need them once you could reach the final stages of rare quest but could not kill the last boss.

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Thanks for the replies guys, and for helping a newbie!

Whats this costume thing all about? I saw in my inventory that I have 10 Costume Keys.

How do I build my team in the meantime, just feed them until they level and dont summon new heroes?

I forgot to mention, I also have Red - Nashgar*** and Yellow - Dawa*** but has spent resources on the respective 4 stars instead.

Ive hit a wall with my current team on season 1, 18-7 and its a little frustrating because my team feels totally outclassed.

There are Seasonal Summons available now, but I only have about 700 coins. Also, seems like odds of landing epic/legendary are much better in Elemental Summons than Seasonal Summons.

Some heroes have costume like Kiril here:

Costumes gives bonuses to both versions of hero, more hp, def, atk and bonus to mana generation.
You can use 5 costume keys for 1 pull in costume chamber which appear every 2 months and contain only S1 costumes.

You have the same chances for 4*/5*/3* in most portals(I think in all), seasonal coins are only for their seasons so you can use them and maybe get some better 3*/4*. Now you shoudn’t work on 5* even if you get them because they are much more expensive than 4* and those 4* will be usefull for very long time (some of them forever)

Work on heroes that you like and pull with all kind of coins in the meantime. Epic hero tokens and epic troop tokens are worth keeping for seasonal events (like sand empire now but don’t pull there) and troop tokens for Tower of Magic event where you can get probably the best troops in game.
Once you have many heores to work on you can keep summons and wait for HotM (hero of the month) that you like and try get him with saved summons.

If you can’t go further with story map just farm on earlier levels, at the end you will have to farm a lot anyway.

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Great advice here.

One more thing I learned down a bit further down the road from where you are currently: You don’t need to have a team representing all of the colors. Stacking colors (say, 3 blues on one team) really increased the tile damage and may help you through tough levels.

If you are stuck, 8-7 is a great place to farm (play over and over for resources).

Welcome to the game. There’s a ton of info here. Browse around or search. :beers:


I have a few suggestions. Level your buildings… Save your epic hero tokens for kalevala Easter and Christmas. Level only 1 of your 3*… Dupes will quickly not be used. If you spend money, but vip/path of valor only after you get enough points to access the rewards that make it worth it.

Once you get a hero of the month, setup pulling for that month.

Use as many as needed items to get the 4* ascension mats, fire bombs, axes, etc.

Be in an alliance that is ok with you being the weak link. Level your s1 5* only to 3.70… They will eventually be fodder for the soul exchange.

Use all of your 3* ascension mats because eventually you will have so many it is no longer a struggle.

Use mono until you are arguing enough to go 3/1/1… No shame in that.

Keep track of your 4* ascension mats because the droughts are terrible… But it might just be balancing out.

Agreed about saving troop tokens for magic/ninja… But I’d say only level magic and mana 4* troops. Eventually you’ll get to the point where an average hero goes off on 9 tiles and it makes all the difference in the game.

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