Newbie needs help

I didn’t know when I started playing, the benefit of having multiple teams with different rarities. I’ve been working for a couple weeks now on getting a strong 3 star team together. I have decent 5 stars but they’re not maxed out I have kind of put that on hold because I am free to play and I need a good strong base team or three so that I can actually do the things required in order for me to obtain ascension material and aether. Here is what I have for 3 star. Wondering if I should limit break frosty. Any and all advice GREATLY appreciated :yellow_heart:

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Limit Breaking 3-Star Heroes doesn’t consume a lot of Aethers so it would not be the worst thing in the world to do it and get better heroes later. That being said, I don’t think that Frosty is a great hero any longer. Your Faiez offers Boosted Health which is generally better, gives increased defense and also makes heroes immune to new status ailments. This is a hero that I would advise limit breaking. Also you have Kvasir (with Costume) who is a good hero in my opinion. If you get Nordri he is generally a good 3-star blue hero to Limit Break as he can be used against Titans due to his Defense Down Special. I see you have Ulmer, but I would ask what other 3-star blue heroes do you have?

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Hola, no esta mal ese equipo, lo que ocurre, es que es necesario tener 6 equipos de 5*, mientras creces tu nivel, si tienes suerte te entraran pronto, sino tendrás que comprar gemas para poder conseguirlos y ascender a tus heroes, suerte!!!, sino estas en ninguna alianza, te puedes pasar por rocker’s, y te ayudaremos en consejos, para crecer tus equipos, hasta luego!

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Maeve is better then Bjorn IMO.

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In my honest opinion, and from the 3* heroes I can see in your roster, I would LB…

Costume Bjorn
Costume Kvasir

I wouldn’t LB S1 heroes unless you have the costumes
Whichever heroes you choose good luck

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That’s it. Frosty and Ulmer. I love frosty but the reason why I was debating is because of the fact I have kvasir and faiez. With frosty then I only really have two attackers on the team which is not good enough for me.

Compro gemas de vez en cuando, cuando tengo dinero extra y sale una muy buena oferta, pero eso no es muy frecuente porque soy madre soltera. Ya estoy en una alianza. amo a los otros miembros, el único inconveniente es que soy mucho más nuevo que ellos, así que mi contribución a wars and the titans es mala. He estado considerando encontrar una alianza más rápida para poder obtener mejores recompensas.

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I agree with this post!! I have an alternate account that is FTP and it uses Maeve a lot, she really helps in 3-star Raid Tournaments & Challenge events which is where 3-star heroes mostly come into play

you have a good 3* you may put emblems on them but never Limit Break 3* they always release new heroes so you might get another heroes better !! good luck :slight_smile:

First of all finish leveling the heroes you have started, including the costumes for Kvasir and Bjorn.
After that I would emblem them and once you have them emblemed to the desired stage (18-20), pick the ones you like most and limit break them. At least that´s the order I do things in. Saying that Waqas, Faiez and Kvasir are absolute staples of 3 star world and you can´t go wrong with an LB on any of them.
In general I like all the heroes you have there, but Frosty is probably the one who will get replaced first.
Maeve is amazing.
Ulmer is OK to max while waiting for his costume. He´s useful even without costume, but the stat boost is lacking for now.

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Que nivel tienes, nosotros tenemos alianza y academia, rocker’s es la academia, donde metemos a los mas peuqes, la ali se llama escuadrón majara,

Best advice given. In the beginning of this game you tend to get attached to Heroes you shouldn’t and I’ve noticed that many people starting out actually get really attached to the heroes you don’t want to be attached to because until you fill out figure out the whole construct of the game which takes time it’s really hard to understand so it’s always best to ask for some guidance. Personally I would listen to this guidance and walk away from the Frosty. Lol