Asking myself if it would make sense to put kong in defense. He is kind of squishy though and as I usually only use him on offense I focused on attack when embleming him. Obviously his damage is much higher and a fast cleanse is not that important with the current war rule. But then: Zim fires more often, is sturdier and her attack boost might still last a bit… Any opinions?
Current defense:
Option B:
Hero stats:
Zim is fast and got higher defense. I think zim is better anyway in this war
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Yes, also i think seshat is best suited for wing. The more I think about it the more I think i leave it as it is. But still thought some other opinions could be helpful
Bit late as war has started, but iv taken out guin and JF out of my defence, as I think this kinda war needs more of an attack defence as put in poseidon and Athena. I’ll see how it goes.
Athena+10 jabberwok+9 Areil+11 kingston+8 poseidon.
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