New Chronological List of Hero Releases

@BlueHair has started to collect the Chronological List of Heroes here:

But he is retired from the Forum on 3th of April in 2022.
So I taking over this initiative from him.

Total released: 801 heroes and 333 costumes
We als have 10 one star heroes, and 16 two star heroes.
So 1160 heroes/costumes in total.

Release dragon count is 45.

I have changed the format a bit compared to what @BlueHair had to better transparency

2017 - 86 heroes
March 2017 - Initial Release (58 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
Season 1 - Azlar
- Elena
- Horghall
- Isarnia
- Joon
- Justice
- Leonidas
- Lianna
- Magni
- Marjana
- Quintus
- Richard
- Sartana
- Thorne
- Vivica
- Boldtusk
- Boril
- Caedmon
- Chao
- Colen
- Cyprian
- Gormek
- Grimm
- Hu Tao
- Kelile
- Kiril
- Li Xiu
- Melendor
- Rigard
- Sabina
- Scarlett
- Skittleskull
- Sonya
- Tiburtus
- Wu Kong
- Azar
- Balthazar
- Bane
- Belith
- Berden
- Brienne
- Carver
- Dawa
- Gan Ju,
- Graymane,
- Gunnar,
- Hawkmoon,
- Isshtak,
- Jahangir,
- Kailani
- Karil
- Nashgar
- Oberon
- Prisca
- Renfeld
- Tyrum
- Ulmer
- Valen
April 2017 - First Spring Event (3 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
Springvale - Master Lepus - Jack O’Hare - Squire Wabbit
June 2017 - First HOTM and Season 1 Wave 2 (6 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 1: Hel
Season 1 - Elkanen
- Kadilen
- Kashhrek
- Little John
- Friar Tuck
July 2017 - HOTM (1 hero)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 2: Athena
August 2017 - HOTM (1 hero)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 3: Ares
September 2017 - HOTM and first Pirates of Corellia (6 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 4: Mushashi
Pirates - Captain Kestrel
- Lady Locke
- Sargasso
- Boomer
- Peters
October 2017 - HOTM, Season 1 Wave 3 and first Guardians of Teltoc (9 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 5: Alberich
Season 1 - Domitia
- Khagan
- Obakan
Teltoc - Guardian Kong
- Guardian Owl
- Guardian Panther
- Guardian Falcon
- Guardian Jackal
November 2017 - HOTM (1 hero)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 6: Thoth-Amun
December 2017 - HOTM (1 hero)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 7: Perseus

2018 - 55 heroes
January 2018 - HOTM and first Knights of Avalon (6 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 8: Natalya
Avalon - Guinevere
- King Arthur
- Morgan Le Fay
- Merlin
- Sir Lancelot
February 2018 - HOTM (1 hero)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 9: Zeline
March 2018 - HOTM (1 hero)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 10: Delilah
April 2018 - HOTM (1 hero)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 11: Aeron
May 2018 - HOTM (1 hero)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 12: Alasie
June 2018 - HOTM, first Fables of Grimforest and first Sand Empire (12 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 13: Gravemaker
Grimforest - Boss Wolf
- Red Hood
- Rumpelstiltskin
- Gretel
- Hansel
Sand Empire - Rana
- Yunan
- Gafar
- Jabbar
- Arman
- Hisan
July 2018 - HOTM (1 hero)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 14: Gregorion
August 2018 - HOTM and start of Season 2 - Atlantis (18 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 15: Drake Fong
Season 2 - Misandra
- Tarlak
- Agwe
- Ameonna
- Danzaburo
- Gadeirus
- Gobbler
- Proteus
- Sumitomo
- Triton
- Wilbur
- Chochin
- Gato
- Gill-Ra
- Melia
- Mnesseus
- Namahage
September 2018 - HOTM and Atlantis Wave 2 (2 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 16: Khiona
Season 2 Mok-Arr
October 2018 - HOTM and first Return to Morlovia (4 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 17: Aegir
Morlovia - Victor - Valeria - Vlad
November 2018 - HOTM (1 hero)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 18: Zimkitha
December 2018 - HOTM, Atlantis Wave 3, and first Santa's Challenge (7 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 19: Evelyn
Season 2 - Inari
- Mitsuko
Christmas - Mother North
- Santa Claus
- Buddy - Rudolph

2019 - 35 heroes
January 2019 - HOTM and Atlantis Wave 4 (2 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 20: Onatel
Season 2 Kageburado
February 2019 - HOTM, Atlantis Wave 5, and first Riddles of Wonderland (8 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 21: Kunchen
Season 2 - Ariel
- Atomos
Wonderland - Alice
- Queen of Hearts
- The Hatter
- Captain of Diamonds
- Cheshire Cat
March 2019 - HOTM and Atlantis Wave 6 (2 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 22: Frida
Season 2 Poseidon
April 2019 - HOTM and Atlantis Wave 7 (3 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 23: Anzogh
Season 2 - Ursena - Muggy
May 2019 - HOTM (1 hero)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 24: Margaret
June 2019 - HOTM (1 hero)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 25: Ranvir
July 2019 - HOTM (1 hero)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 26: Seshat
August 2019 - HOTM (1 hero)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 27: Miki
September 2019 - HOTM and second round of Avalon heroes (4 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 28: Grazul
Avalon - Black Knight
- Lady of the Lake
- Bauchan
October 2019 - HOTM and second round of Pirates heroes (4 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 29: Kingston
Pirates - Finley
- Marie-Thérese
- Vodnik
November 2019 - HOTM and second round of Wonderland heroes (4 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 30: Neith
Wonderland - Jabberwock
- White Rabbit
- Shrubbear
December 2019 - HOTM and second round of Grimforest heroes (4 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 31: Grimble
Grmforest - Puss in Boots
- Snow White
- Pixie

2020 - 72 heroes and 41 costumes
January 2020 - HOTM, second round of Guardians heroes, and first round of costumes (4 heroes and 20 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 32: Vela
Teltoc - Guardian Chameleon
- Guardian Gazelle
- Guardian Bat
S1 Costume - Elena costume
- Horghall costume
- Isarnia costume
- Joon costume
- Lianna costume
- Quintus costume
- Richard costume
- Vivica costume
- Boldtusk costume
- Li Xiu costume
- Melendor costume
- Rigard costume
- Skittleskull costume
- Sonya costume
- Tiburtus costume
- Bane costume
- Brienne costume
- Gunnar costume
- Hawkmoon costume
- Tyrum costume
February 2020 - HOTM and start of Season 3 - Valhalla (17 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 33: Jean-François
Season 3 - Fenrir
- Freya
- Heimdall
- Ratatoskr
- Sif
- Tyr
- Brynhild
- Mireweave
- Mist
- Stonecleave
- Sumle
- Bjorn
- By-Ulf
- Ei-Dunn
- Kvasir
- Nordri
March 2020 - HOTM and Valhalla Wave 2 (2 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 34: Telluria
Season 3 Norns
April 2020 - HOTM, Valhalla Wave 3, and second round of Springvale (6 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 35: Malosi
Springvale - Killhare
- Sir Roostley
- Lady Woolerton -Chick Jr.
Season 3 - Alfrike
May 2020 - HOTM, Tavern of Legends bonus, Valhalla Wave 4, and Costumes Wave 2 (13 heroes and 21 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 36: Clarissa
Tavern - Myztero
Season 3 - Baldur - Almur
- Fura
- Gullinbursti
- Jott
- Shadereave
- Agnes
- An-Windr
- Grevle
- Jarvur
- Sudri
S1 Costume - Azlar costume
- Domitia costume
- Elkanen costume
- Kadilen costume
- Magni costume
- Sartana costume
- Boril costume
- Caedmon costume
- Kashhrek costume
- Kiril costume
- Little John costume
- Azar costume
- Balthazar costume
- Belith costume
- Berden costume
- Carver costume
- Friar Tuck costume
- Isshtak costume
- Karil costume
- Prisca costume
- Renfeld costume
June 2020 - HOTM, new Sand Empire hero, and Valhalla Wave 5 (3 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 37: Raffaele
Sand Empire - Roc
Season 3 - Skadi
July 2020 - HOTM and Valhalla Wave 6 (2 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 38: Noor
Season 3 Lady Loki
August 2020 - HOTM and Valhalla Wave 7 (2 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 39: Zocc
Season 3 Frigg
September 2020 - HOTM and Valhalla Wave 8 (2 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 40: Bai Yeong
Season 3 Bera
October 2020 - HOTM, first Ninja Tower, second round of Morlovia, and Valhalla Wave 9 (14 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 41: Zulag
Ninja Tower - Cobalt
- Garnet
- Jade
- Mica
- Onyx
- Ametrine
- Sapphire
- Shale
Morlovia - Francine
- Vanda
- Frank - Jack
Season 3 - Gefjon
November 2020 - HOTM and Valhalla Wave 10 (2 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 42: Glenda
Season 3 Odin
December 2020 - HOTM, Valhalla Wave 11, and second round of Santa’s Challenge (5 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 43: Reuben
Christmas - Krampus - Carol - Frosty
Season 3 - Lord Loki

2021 - 103 heroes and 47 costumes
January 2021 - HOTM, Valhalla Wave 12, and Costumes round 3 (2 heroes and 25 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 44: Bertila
Season 3 - Thor
S1 Costume - Justice costume
- Khagan costume
- Leonidas costume
- Marjana costume
- Obakan costume
- Thorne costume
- Chao costume
- Colen costume
- Cyprian costume
- Gormek costume
- Grimm costume
- Hu Tao costume
- Kelile costume
- Sabina costume
- Scarlett costume
- Wu Kong costume
- Dawa costume
- Gan Ju costume
- Graymane costume
- Jahangir costume
- Kailani costume
- Nashgar costume
- Oberon costume
- Ulmer costume
- Valen costume
February 2021 - HOTM, and first League of Villains (11 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 45: Uraeus
Villains - Asterius
- Crystalis
- Dark Lord
- Isrod
- Karnov
- Toxicandra
- Ingolf
- Sanngrior
- Edd
- Skrekok
March 2021 - HOTM and start of Season 4 - Underwild (17 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 46: Malicna
Season 4 - Akkorog
- Dr. Moreau
- Elizabeth
- Lepiota
- Phileas Fogg
- Prof. Lidenbrock
- Griffin
- Mack
- Rokkamush
- Tettukh
- Zila Lei
- Gramps
- Helo
- Morris
- Poppy
- Vollermork
April 2021 - HOTM and Underwild Wave 2 (2 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 47: Frosth
Season 4 Garjammal
May 2021 - HOTM and Underwild Wave 3 (2 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 48: Yang Mai
Season 4 Russula
June 2021 - HOTM, Underwild Wave 4 and first Starfall Circus (14 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 49: Elradir
Starfall - Bobo
- Director Zuri
- Eiora & Fluffy
- Emilio
- Faline
- Theobald
- D’Andre
- Eichbelborg
- Marcel
- Candy
- Whacker
Season 4 - Hannah
- Morel
July 2021 - HOTM, Valhalla Wave 13, Underwild Wave 5, and Sand Empire costumes (3 heroes and 2 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 50: Devana
Season 4 - Aouda
- Salmon Loki
Sand Empire
- Rana costume
- Yunan costume
August 2021 - HOTM, first Slayers of Fell Shadows, and Underwild Wave 6 (12 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 51: Chakkoszrot
Slayers - Caitlin
- Cathal
- Rian
- Saoirse
- Senan
- Aodhan
- Cillian
- Orla
- Maeve
- Noril
Season 4 - Captain Nemo
September 2021 - HOTM, first Tower of Magic, and Underwild Wave 7 (13 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 52: Alexandrine
Tower of Magic - Agrafena
- Cristóbal
- Milena
- Motega
- Nadezhda
- Anastasia
- Anton
- Sergei
- Dölgöön
- Kornel
Season 4 - Xnolphod
- Zenobia
October 2021 - HOTM, first Clash of Knights, Underwild Wave 8, Morlovia costumes, and HOTM costumes round 1 (10 heroes and 7 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 53: Russell
Clash of Knights - Esme
- Ludwig
- Quenell
- Wolfgang
- Ferant
- Wren
- Aderyn
- Bertulf
Season 4 - Octros
Morlovia costume - Francine costume
- Vanda costume
- Victor costume
- Frank costume
HOTM costume - Alberich costume
- Gravemaker costume
- Seshat costume
November 2021 - HOTM, second round of Ninjas, Underwild Wave 9, Atlantis costumes and Black Friday previews (7 heroes, 4 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 54: Balbar
Ninja Tower - Quartz
- Ruby
- Zircon
Season 4 - Lughaidh
Gargoyles - Peñolite
- Gaillard
S2 costume - Ariel costume
- Kageburado costume
- Poseidon costume
- Ursena costume
December 2021 - HOTM, Christmas costumes & new hero, first Challenge Festival, Underwild Wave 10 & 11 (10 heroes and 9 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 55: Hanitra
Christmas - Mr. Pengi
Season 4 - Passepartout
- Zekena
Challenge Festival - Gnomer
- Guardian Lemur
- Phoenicus
- Sally
- Treevil
Season 4 - Exeera
Christmas costume - Krampus costume
- Mother North costume
- Santa Claus costume
Event hero costumes - Jabberwock costume
- Lady of the Lake costume
- Snow White costume
HOTM costume - Alasie costume
- Athena costume
- Drake Fong costume

2022 - 154 heroes and 45 costumes
January 2022 - HOTM, 2nd Clash of Knights, Underwild Wave 12 (7 heroes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 56: Viscaro
Clash of Knight - Eloise
- Lewena
- Quintin
- Rayne
- Franz
Season 4 - Congalach
February 2022 - HOTM, New Ninjas, 2nd Challenge Festival, Underwild Wave 13 (4 heroes, 2 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 57: Iris
Ninja Tower - Peridot
- Topaz
Season 4 - Kravekrush
Event hero costumes - Marie-Thérèse costume
- White Rabbit costume
March 2022 - HOTM, WoTK heroes, Underwild Wave 14 (14 heroes and 3 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 58: Zagrog
WoTK - Diaochan
- Guan Yu
- Lu Bu
- Zhang Fei
- Zhuge Liang
- Sun Shangxiang
- Wang Yuanji
- Xiahou Dun
- Zhou Yu
- Li
- Jing
- Yao
Season 4 - Hulda
Springvale ostume - Killhare costume
- Master Lepus costume
-Jack O’Hare costume
April 2022 - HOTM, Season5, Event hero costume (16 heroes and 2 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 59: Silvaria
Event hero costume - Finley costume
- Guardian Kong costume
Season 5 - El Naddaha
- Khafre Khufu
- Khonshu
- Papyros
- Sobek
- Ahhotep
- Azmia
- Junaid
- Ptolemy
- Scoratek
- Aqeela
- Faiez
- Jarif
- Rekhetre
- Waqas
May 2022 - HOTM, S2 costumes, Gargoyles, SE costumes (11 heroes and 7 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 60: Kara
S2 costume - Inari costume - Ameonna costume
- Gadeirus costume
- Wilbur costume
- Melia costume
- Mnesseus costume
Gargoyles - El Duque
– Arco
- Goseck
- Kalø
- Bellerive
- Soroca
- Budatín
Sand Empire costume - Roc costume
Season 5 - Horus
WoTK - Liu Bei
Season 2 - Tethys
June 2022 - HOTM, Styx, Kalevala, Event (15 heroes and 3 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 61: Arfanias
Styx - Nyx
- Hypnos
Season 5 – Khephri
Event hero costume - Black Knight costume
- Guardian Panther costume
- Rumpelstiltskin costume
Kalevala - Aino
- Iku-Turso
- Ilmarinen
- Kullervo
- Louhi
- Väinämöinen
- Lemminkäinen
- Mielikki
- Joukahainen
- Para
Season 2 - Oceanus
July 2022 - HOTM, S3 Costume (3 heroes and 5 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 62: Klaern
Season 3 Costume - Skadi costume - Gullinbursti costume
- Sumle costume
- Bjorn costume
- Kvasir costume
Season 5 - Bennu
WoTK - Cao Cao
August 2022 - HOTM, Bard, Covenant (11 heroes and 2 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 63: Tahir
Season 3 Costume - Freya costume
Season 5 - Bastet
Bard heroes - Narsica
- Phenexa
- Rhys
- Winifred
- Zhabog
Covenant - Cleaver
- Malin
-Maheegan - Dawn
Season 3 Costume - Sif costume
September 2022 - HOTM, S1 costume, Styx (15 heroes and 7 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 64: Grace
Season 5 - Sekhmet
S1 Costume V2 - Elkanen
- Isarnia
- Khagan
- Obakan
- Vivica
- Kelile
Gargoyles - Hohenwerf
WoTK - Sun Quan
Covenant - Adalinda
- Hawthorn
Styx - Erebus
- Nemesis
- Arges
- Brontes
- Steropes
- Dante
- Virgil
Season 3 Costume - Gefjon costume
Season 5 - Ma’at
- Set
October 2022 - HOTM, Morlovia, Contest of elements (15 heroes and 5 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 65: Celidana
Morlovia - Alucard
- Miriam & Midnight
- Matilda
- Ana-Belle - Goopy
Pirate - Anne
Contest of Elements - Jequn
- Zandria
Covenant - Ebba
- Kai
- Meadow - Edelaide
Season 3 Costume - Heimdall costume
Season 5 - Cleopatra
- Tetisheri
S1 Costume V2 - Domitia
- Horghall
- Magni
- Kiril
November 2022 - HOTM, Mighty Pets, Covenant, Black Friday, HoTM Costumes (18 heroes and 3 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 66: Morax
Mighty Pets - Bubbles
- Chomper
- Furdinand
- Hachiko
- Max
- Cupcake
- Waddles
- Ribbit
- Rufus
Covenant - Hammertusk
- Waterpipe
- Fianna
Styx - Charon
Season 3 Costume - Baldur costume
Masquerade - Fortuna
- Jove
Black Friday - Engimo
Season 5 - Ahmose
HOTM costume - Hel costume
- Perseus costume
December 2022 - HOTM, Bard, Christmas (25 heroes and 6 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 67: Balur
Bard - Ogima - Garyas - Zarel
Christmas - Augustus
- Peppermint
- Tinsel
- Holly - Buster
Contest of Elements - Roz
- Xandrella
Season 4 - Xenda
S2 Costume - Tarlak
Musketeer - Aramis
- Athos
- D’Artagnan
- Porthos
- Queen Anne
- Villiers
Season 3 Costume -Thor costume
Season 5 - Hathor
Abyss Hunter - Goretooth
- Otis
- Bogart - Basil
S1 Costume V2 - Joon
- Leonidas
- Quintus
- Caedmon
Gargoyle - Matrera
- Kemény

2023 - 185 heroes and 86 costumes
January 2023 - HOTM, Journey (13 heroes and 7 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 68: Roughian & Nurgib
Journey - Erlang Shen
S2 Costume - Misandra
Ninja Tower - Amethyst
- Ekanite
- Oniwakamaru
- Serandite
- Kinsaishi
Season 3 Costume - Frigg - Fura
Lunar New Year - Laohu
- Xiaotu
Season 5 - Eset
HOTM Costume - Aegir
- Aeron
Telltoc - Guardian Hippo
Telltoc Costume - Guardian Gazelle - Guardian Jackal
Contest of Elements - Anzia
- Zengar
February 2023 - HOTM, Journey (15 heroes and 7 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 69: Viselus
S2 Costume - Mok-Arr -Danzaburo
Styx - Thanatos
Abyss Hunter - Dabria
- Staintongue
- Greel
Season 3 Costume - Tyr costume - Ei-Dunn
Season of Love - Cupido
- Himeros
- Phthonus
- Voluptas - Zarola
Season 5 - Hetepheres
S1 Costume V2 - Azlar
- Justice
- Li Xiu
Mighty Pets - Cinnamon
Journey - Queen Guowang - Heifeng Guai - General Yin
March 2023 - HOTM, Journey (13 heroes and 6 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 70: Gilligan
Jungle Hunter - Bonecrusher
- Mistweaver
S2 Costume - Mitsuko -Agwe
Musketeer - Milady de Winter - Kitty - Felton
- Planchet
Season 3 Costume - Odin - Almur
Season 5 - Anubis
HOTM Costume – Ares
- Zimkitha
Bard - Belladonna
Contest of Elements - Doxan
- Ignazio
Springvale - Archie
- Jasper
April 2023 - HOTM (5 heroes and 20 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 71: Turgruk
S2 Costume - Atomos - Gobbler
- Proteus
- Sumitomo
- Triton
- Gil-Ra
Ninja - Myoinni
Season 3 Costume - Fenrir - Nordri
Season 5 - Meresankh
S1 Costume V2 - Kadilen
- Lianna
- Cyprian
- Gormek
- Rigard
- Skittleskull
Avalon - Green Knight
Avalon Costume - Guinevere - Merlin
Journey - Xiong Shanjun
Season 4 Costumes - Dr. Moreau
- Elizabeth
- Lepiota
- Prof. Lidenbrock
May 2023 - HOTM (21 heroes and 4 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 72: Suzuna
Tower of Magic - Camilla
- Ray
- Telonius
- Willow
- Lucy - Roxia
Abyss Hunter - Sorrow - Numbskull
Jungle Hunter - Thunderclap - Knuckles - Cedar
Season 3 Costume -Lord Loki
Season 5 - Sneferu
Mighty Pets - Barkley
- Snowball
HOTM Costume - Delilah
- Natalya
Contest of Elements - Aconia
- Griffex
Season 4 Costumes - Phileas Fogg
Jungle Hunter - Hurricane
- Tremor
Ninja - Azurite
- Kushanku
June 2023 - HOTM (21 heroes and 7 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 73: Skargremar
Season 3 Costume - Bera
Untold Tales - Ephyra
- Galapago
- Lasalle
- Phorcys
- Thalassa
- Mulgog
- Shar’Khai
- Bagreg
S1 Costume V2 - Marjana
- Sartana
- Boldtusk
- Colen
- Grimm
Beach Party - Flip
- Mortimer
- Iltham - Dolrak
Bard - Celimene
Journey - Nine- Headed Beast
Opera - Phantom of the Opera
- Odette
Season 4 Costumes - Garjammal
Construct - Ferrus
- Haulstone
Tower of Magic - Becky
July 2023 - HOTM (14 heroes and 4 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 74: Cinisia
Season 3 Costume - Alfrike
Untold Tales - Ceto - Jaco
S1 Costume V2 - Thorne
Masked God - Aradia
- Cel
- Jana
- Fosco - Alessia
Super Elemental - Xavier – Zione
Styx - Amphitrite
Underwild Costume - Morel
Musketeer - Constance
Jungle Hunter - Tremor
Construct - Brimstone
Season 3 Costume - Salmon Loki
August 2023 - HOTM (10 heroes and 8 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 75: Ithar
Untold Tales - Ultrox
S1 Costume V2 - Elena
Kalevala - Ukkonen
Kalevala costume - Aino
- Kullervo
- Mielikki
Grimforest Costume - Puss in Boots - Hansel
Grimforest - Frog Prince
Super Elemental - Zuni - Alfie
Journey - Sha Wujing
Underwild Costume - Octros
Tower of Magic - Ulius
Construct - Blossom
Valhalla Costume - Norns
Untold Tales - Gelert
September 2023 - HOTM (19 heroes and 3 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 76: Areax
S1 Costume V2 - Richard
Mighty Pets - Luna
Underwild Costume - Aouda
Super Elemental - Quinn - Linus
Masked God - Carmenta
Goblin - Darkfeather
- Deadboot
- Kettle
- Smarttongue
-Goldie - Boots
Musketeer - Cardinal Richelieu
- Rochefort
Construct - Ghealach
Valhalla Costume - Ratatoskr
Morlovia - Amber
- Edwin
- Lucinda
Untold Tales - Gestalt - Aqualith
October 2023 - HOTM (16 heroes and 16 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 77: Uthragan
HOTM Costume - Evelyn
- Musashi
Wonderland - Tweedles
Wonderland Costume - Queen of Hearts - Cheshire Cat
Super Elemental - Zaria - Nova
Journey - Xiwangmu
Underwild Costume - Passepartout
Construct - Tenebrae
Goblin - Boom & Fang
- Madhammer
Clash of Knights - Lysanor
- Teddy
- Torben
- Xiamara
- Koda - Fawn
Valhalla Costume - Lady Loki
Untold Tales - Persa
Construct - Frond
Season 1 Toon costumes - Azlar
- Richard
- Sartana
- Vivica
Season 1 2nd costumes - Chao
- Little John
- Melendor
- Scarlett
- Tiburtus
- Wu Kong
November 2023 - HOTM (17 heroes and 10 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 78: Neema
Masked God - Februus
- Umbria
Super Elemental - Farrah - Lexi
Underwild Costume - Xnolphod - Griffin - Gramps
Goblin - Fizzcoil
Tower of Magic - Jett
- Vaishali
Astral Elves - Sparklight
- Starwalker
Ninja - Tametomo
- Morganite
Untold Tales - Atlanteia
Season 1 Toon costumes - Elkanen
- Obakan
Season 1 2nd costumes - Boril
- Hu Tao
- Kashhrek
- Sabina
- Sonya
Opera - Christine Daae
- Madame Giry
- Richard Firmin
- Raul
December 2023 - HOTM (21 heroes and 14 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 79: Leadria
Christmas - Cookie
- Ginger
- Zappa
- Dizzy - Jolly
Super Elemental - Ironmaw
Journey - Chang’e
Underwild Costume - Captain Nemo - Tettukh - Helo
Construct - Shaal
Goblin - Acidfire
- Leafwhisk
Untold Tales - Domiventus
Legends - Satori
HOTM Costume - Zeline
Owl Tower - Fulvia
- Ommodus
- Relius
- Timius
- Olbec - Featherino
- Paeia
Construct - Shaklebolt
Season 1 Toon Costume - Leonidas
- Marjana
- Boldtusk
- Grimm
- Gan Ju
- Jahangir
- Valen
Pirates - Black Caesar
Pirates costume - Lady Locke
- Sargasso
- Peters
2024 - 141 heroes and 102 costumes (YTD)
January 2024 - HOTM, Journey (16 heroes and 9 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 80: Zora
Super Elemental - Desmond
Underwild Costume - Russula - Zila Lei
Goblin - Pepperflame
Season of Love - Elba
- Eros
- Kabeiroi
Clash of Knights - Daemon
- Winnie
- Raleigh - Yona
Legends - Norman
HOTM Costume - Thoth-Amun
Construct - Hornfel
Untold Tales - Medea
Season 1 Toon Costume - Magni
- Vivica
- Caedmon
- Melendor
- Balthazar
- Brienne
Opera - Prince Siegfried - Swan Maiden
Super Elemental - Jolt
February 2024 - HOTM (16 heroes and 13 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 81: Galdius
Underwild Costume - Akkorog
Untold Tales - Spartoi
Dunes Costume - Anubis
- Hathor
- Ma’at
Journey - Xie Zi Jing
Construct - Nautica
Lunar New Year - Gongniu
- Qinglong
Champions - Nogu
HOTM Costume - Khiona
Season 1 Toon Costume - Joon
- Lianna
- Kiril
- Li Xiu
- Kailani
- Prisca
Owl Tower - Livia
- Lodius
- Juliani
Goblin - Grimsteel
Fables of Grimforest - Cinderella
Guardians of Teltoc - Guardian Elephant
Super Elemental - Niki
Gargoyles - Garten
- Pophit
Underwild Costume - Zenobia - Poppy
March 2024 - HOTM (17 heroes and 12 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 82: Anoushka
Dunes Costume - Ahmose
- Hetepheres
Astral Elves - Dreadstar
- Lemonwood
- Moonflower
- Lionstring - Starswift
Champions - Lazara
HOTM Costume - Gregorion
Construct - Scoria
Season 1 Toon Costume - Azlar
- Domitia
- Colen
- Skitteskull
- Azar
- Bane
Owl Tower
- Verus
Goblin - Rocket
Springvale - Miss Ethel
- Timothy
Springvale costumes - Archie
- Jasper
Opera - Daroga
- Meg Giry
- Odile
Super Elemental - Gastille
Underwild Costume - Hulda
Astral Elves - Hammerclang
April 2024 - HOTM (18 heroes and 9 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 83: Zarga
Dunes Costume - Horus
Journey - Tang Sanzang
Champions - Ramona
Season 1 Toon Costume - Khagan - Cyprian
- Kelile
- Belith
- Graymane
Clash of Knights - Armel
- Cecilia
Secret / Shadows heroes - Atwood
Goblin - Scrollbeast
Garrison Guards - Shimmerscale
- Vanya
- Greg - William
Wonderland - Knave of Hearts
Wonderland costume - The Hatter
Secret / Shadows heroes - Omen
Super Elemental - Grilka
Astral Elves - Voidstar
Underwild Costume - Hannah - Rokkamush - Vollermork
Construct - Carta - Bonechill - Rustbeak
Dunes Costume - Cleopatra
May 2024 - HOTM (16 heroes and 17 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 84: Bo & Runt
Secret / Shadows heroes - Melancholia
Champions - Mistra
Season 1 Toon Costume - Isarnia - Gormek
- Little John
- Berden
- Hawkmoon
Owl Tower - Eron
Goblin - Caelen
Gargoyles - Mena
- Uwe
- Grumbl - Betty
Secret / Shadows heroes - Dolores
Construct - Scoria
Super Elemental - Craum
Astral Elves - Demilune
Underwild Costume - Xenda - Mack - Morris
Untold Tales Costume - Phorcys
Plain Hunter - Dubhán
- Thura
Secret / Shadows heroes - Abigail
Dunes Costume - Tetisheri
Kingdom Costume - Diaochan
- Zhuge Liang
Season 1 Toon Costume - Elena - Hu Tao
- Kashhrek
- Friar Tuck
- Nashgar
June 2024 - HOTM (16 heroes and 9 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 85: Aviana
Beach Party - Davey Wavey
- Mazoga
- Zenuk’wa
Secret / Shadows heroes - Hunter
Clash of Knights - Humbert
- Siofra
Construct - Rhineglow
Garrison Guards - Violet Potts
Astral Elves - Starlass
Gargoyles - Hilda l
Super Elemental - Nylora
Slime - Fungustine
- Gunktus
Underwild Costume - Zekena
Untold Tales Costume - Gestalt
Dunes Costume - Meresankh - Azmia
Plain Hunter - Ruadh
Season 1 Toon Costume - Justice - Chao
- Rigard
- Carver
- Karil
Secret / Shadows heroes - Zaviana
July 2024 - HOTM (11 heroes and 11 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 86: Sini
Owl Tower - Cennius
Garrison Guards - Iocantha
- Theodosius
Astral Elves - Moonbell
Construct - Gwynn
Dunes Costume - Sobek - Ahhotep
Super Elemental - Ash
Season 1 Toon Costume - Horghall - Sonya
- Wu Kong
- Isshtak
- Ulmer
Clash of Knight- Bearnadette
Secret / Shadows heroes - Rashan
Plain Hunter - Sune
Kalevala -Otso
Kalevala costumes - Ukkonen
- Väinämöinen
Gargoyles - Guffal
Untold Tales Costume - Galapago
- Phorcys
August 2024 - HOTM (18 heroes and 11 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 87: Sir Casmir
Underwild Costume - Congalach
Kingdom costume - Cao Cao
Garrison Guards - Frank ‘Fangs’ Brimwell
Super Elemental - Vander
Construct - Skarn
Dunes Costume - Bastet - Aqeela
Season 1 Toon Costume - Quintus - Scarlett
- Tiburtus
- Dawa
- Oberon
Plain Hunter - Sigyn
Clash of Knights - Alvar
Astral Elves - Mooncure
Fox - Rust
- Whitefang
Opera - Armand Moncharmin
- Von Rothbart
Untold Tales Costume - Thalassa
Ninja - Chikao
- Iga
- Nomad
- Tora
Underwild Costume - Lughaidh
Woodland Faun - Peregrine
- Verity
- Saskia
September 2024 - HOTM (11 heroes and 10 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 88: Chloris
Garrison Guards - Pip
Slime - Sludgus
Dunes Costume - Khonshu - Faiez
Season 1 Toon Costume - Thorne - Boril - Gunnar
- Renfeld
Astral Elves - Melodymuse
Opera - Charlotta
Woodland Faun - Tamlin
Untold Tales - Lasalle
Return to Morlovia - Chester
- Wayne
Return to Morlovia Costume - Alucard
Underwild Costume - Exeera
- Kravekrush
Ninja - Malum - Osamu
Goblin - Dima
October 2024 - HOTM (2 heroes and 1 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare
HOTM 89: Zidane
Kingdom costume - Guan Yu
Slime - Mucktus

Release dragons

2024 (45 dragons)
September 2024 (45 dragons)
Type Legendary Epic Rare Uncommon
Dragon - Aranth
- Bonefang
- Cindron
- Dreamcatcher
- Doombringer
- Glacio
- Ignis
- Leafheart
- Lux
- Marmora
- Noctur
- Saestrasz
- Stargazer
- Zostrasz
- Bathosh
- Cuddlewing
- Deathflayer
- Eotei
- Forto
- Luminare
- Nimblewing
- Noctua
- Owlford
- Sassy
- Shen Lin
- Skydancer
- Xiao Fang
- Xondar
- Yvestrasza
- Ardere
- Croakster
- Flumen
- Glimmerwing
- Kranio
- Krio
- Leafy
- Leafwind
- Rusty
- Silva
- Snowy
- Sparky
- Solis
- Sting
- Vesperi

Pending (not included in total count above):

Unreleased, in beta (43 heroes and 2 costumes)
Type Legendary Epic Rare Expected Release Date
HOTM 90: Mene 10/01/2024
Astral Elves - Cosmicspeaker In 2024
Avalon - Gawain In 2024
Fox - Ashen
- Shadowfang
- Spiff
- Swiftpaw
Gargoyles - Vincent - Vonreinel In 2024
Garrison Guards - Fergus
- Kolya
- Rosalind
In 2024
Ninja - Aurum
- Ito
- Sawano
- Umeko
In 2024
Owl Tower - Pertinax In 2024
Opera - Uberta - Benno In 2024
Plain Hunter - Amund
- Berit
- Njal
- Revna
- Sorcha
In 2024
Season 1 Toon costumes - Kadilen In 2024
Secret / Shadows heroes - Secret hero II
- Secret hero IX
- Secret hero X
- Secret hero XII
- Secret hero XIII
- Secret hero XIV
- Secret hero XV
- Secret hero VXI
- Shoggo - Cthuwu In 2024
Slime - Charmione
- Gooldron
- Gooric
- Knightus
- Slimgo
In 2024
Wonderland costume - Alice In 2024
Woodland Faun - Araminta
- Gideon
- Ysabel
Unreleased, in beta (4 dragons)
Type Legendary Epic Rare Uncommon Expected Release Date
Dragon - Barry
- Rosette
- Spud
- Stumper

I have also added the expected arrival date for these heroes and costumes.
The dates in bracklets are not confirmed, and maybe just some of those heroes or costumes will be released on the those days.

Latest preidction by @Elioty33 about the hero releases:

@Elioty33 's Data Vault:

A very useful site by @Marik about the heroes

Another hero browser tool by @Nynaeve_alMeara


Only 26 heroes and 3 costumes in 3 months?! I am disappointed, SG is losing its touch. I was expecting this year at least 150 new heroes :smiley:


Soon they will start releasing same heroes with different names and artwork because they will run out possible combinations and skill sets


Thank you @PlayForFun for taking over. :yellow_heart::yellow_heart:


25 heroes per quarter = 100 heroes per year so it is near about last year’s record :slight_smile:


I was sad to see @BlueHair go. Though, I will always support other’s decisions to leave the forum (or game), as they are only doing what is best for them at their current place in life. I had referred to his original post, cataloging the release dates of heroes, several times since it was first started. I appreciated the time and effort put into creating and maintaining that, as I will continue to appreciate the time and effort you put in to continue keeping this updated for the entire player base @PlayForFun. Thank you for taking this on. You truly do a lot to support your other fellow players :nerd_face::nerd_face::nerd_face:


Thanks for picking up the mantle @PlayForFun. I’ll try to pitch in here like I tried with BlueHair


@play4fun we have new costumes in the event summon. Costumes added for Finley and Guardian Kong.

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Yes, I will adjust the OP later today.

I have adjusted the OP, and now also added the new HoTMs which just arrived to Beta, and I have adjusted my guess on the new Season 2 heroes arrival dates too.


Thanks @PlayForFun, keep it up buddy


Hope I’ve been able to get all the new S5 heroes:

El Naddaha


I will adjust the OP later.

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The OP is now adjusted. I have also added the Gargoyles to the unreleased heroes.


The OP is now adjusted with the new Beta heroes (Nyx and Hypnos) and Roc costume.


Thank you for taking this over, @PlayForFun! Love the tables. Wish I’d thought of them!


Welcome back BlueHair, and PlayForFun the May HOTM is out, along with the S2 costumes in your pending table. Of course, I didn’t get any. lol


Thx, I have updated the table in the OP :slight_smile:

SG can celebrate the arrival of the100th costume of the game :partying_face:


@PlayForFun - thank you again for taking this over. Looks like my “trial back” is likely a “really back”. You do a ton of hugely valuable work for all of us - if I can help, please let me know! Doesn’t have to be this list unless you want to merge them back or something - I’ll help anywhere I can.