Need to take some decision on 3* to keep

Hi everyone, I got a problem to solve: i have too many 3* on my roster, a lot unleveled. I would like to clean out some of them (maybe some leveled too). My goal is to have some competitive ones for the various tournaments and i need help to choose which are the best to keep and level.

Here the list:
Dark fully leveled: C. Renfeld +20 LB, C. Balthazar, C. Tyrum, Bjorn, Guardian Bat, Gill-ra
Dark unleveled: Morris, An-Windr, 2nd Bjorn, Chochin, Vlad

Holy fully leveled: Kvasir +20 LB, Melia +20 LB, C. Bane, Arman, Kailani
Holy unleveled: Agnes, 2nd Kvasir

Blue fully leveled: Nordri +20 LB, Gato +20, 2nd Gato, Vodnik, Ulmer, Valen
Blue unleveled: Guardinan Lemur, Helo, Frosty, Jarvur, 2nd Nordri, Chick Jr., C. Gunnar

Green fully leveled: Grevle + 20 LB, C. Belith, C. Brienne, Muggy, 2nd Muggy, Mnessus
Green unleveled: Gnomer, Gramps, By-Ulf, Shrubbear

Red fully leveled: C. Hawkmonn + 20, Namahage + 20, 2nd Namahage, 3rd Namahage, Rudolph, C. Azar
Red unleveled: Sudri, Phoernicus, Ei-Dunn, Bauchan, Squire Wabbit


Morris, Vlad, and Agnes are clear drops for me. I’ve seen some Morris in this tournament but I would never level one.

Obviously keep all the ones that you fully levelled. For the others, I personally have levelled…
Chochin, Agnes, Helo, Frosty, Chick Jr, C.Gunnar, Gnomer, Gramps, Shrubbear, Sudri, Bauchan, Squire Wabbit and Ei-Dunn
And I use them all in tournaments etc

Ps: A duplicate Bjorn and Kvasir would also come in handy

Whichever heroes you choose good luck

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My subjective opinion who is worth to keep:

Balthazar, Renfeld, Bat, Gill-ra, Bjorn.

Kvasir, Melia, Bane, Kailani, probably Arman.

Nordri, Ulmer, Gunnar, Helo, Frosty, Lemur, 2nd Nordri + one preferred shooter (Gato/Jarvur/Chick/Valen)
Blue 3* are for the moment I think the best - look at the top teams in 3* events or current tournament, The worst are not the defenses with Treevil, but stacked blue Helo-Frosty-Gunnar-c.Ulmer + any color strong shooter.

Grevle, Belith, Brienne, Gramps, Shrubbear, Gnomer, Mnesseus.

Hawkmoon, 1 Namahage, Sudri, Bauchan, Phoenicus, Wabbit.

Of course if you like playing any other hero then keep him/her/it too.

from the ones unleveled:

  1. definitely keep
  • Agnes (if you run mono, she is a pretty good hitter)
  • for sure at least one of Helo / Frosty / Lemur. If I had to choose, Helo first for cleanse, Frosty next as the minions/Rogue talent make him good on defense, then Lemur
  • C Gunnar is great on offense esp if you stack Blue
  • Chick Jr is a good hit-all for challenge events
  • Gramps (for the resurrection, especially in Very Fast he’s great)
  • Shrubbear (can be quite good on both defense and offense with his taunt)
  • Sudri (shines in Very Fast, quite fearful on defense. I don’t personally use mine, as I usually run mono so I will use up the Red tiles though… and I don’t have spare emblems for him)
  • Bauchan (very good defensive hero, also quite good on offense)
  • Phoenicus (could be a good alternate for C Hawkmoon)
  • Ei-Dunn (a bit sturdier than Bauchan, good alternative if you want a harder hit and will give up the mana boost)
  1. maybe keep
  • 2nd Bjorn (could be useful having two if you stack Purple)
  • Chochin (fairly tanky and good mana slow, I sometimes still put on raid tourney defense)
  • 2nd Kvasir (I would not bring two together, though a second could be useful if you need depth for Tower events)
  • 2nd Nordri (might be useful to have a 2nd for Mythic Titan)
  • By-Ulf (some use him well in Buff Booster)
  • Gnomer (the very fast speed could potentially be useful for finishing off weakened enemies)
  • Squire Wabbit (you already have Rudolph and 3x Namahage… but if you didn’t, I would move him to DEFINITELY KEEP. though, he could come in handy, as he hits hard immediately while Namahage’s true potential comes after he gets hit a bit… and Wabbit hits harder than Rudolph does)
  1. definitely feed
  • Morris (have not seen much good feedback)
  • An-Windr (in my mind, too slow and does not give a good enough benefit, unlike Gullinbursti)
  • Vlad (just too underpowered)
  • Jarvur, I know some like him, personally I do not though, and you already have Gato and Valen as fast single hitters

thanks everyone for the replies.

I’ll analyze all your suggestions an all points and make my decisions, time to leave some space free. I’ll have to do the same on 4* in the upcoming days.


Definitely agree on a lot of what has been said.

Also I’d advise you to be more methodical when it comes to 3*s.

Some of the heroes you have in your roster should have been long gone: Morris, An-Windr, Vlad, Squire Wabbit, either Helo or Frosty…

As for the others some of it comes down to your playstyle. I love both Kvasir and Bjorn so I have like 3 of each. Much like sleepyhead I don’t enjoy Sudri on offense that much. But I do find him bothersome on defence. I also found Bauchan underwhelming. Same for Gramps, but if you are a “specialist” you might want to save him for the very fast tournaments.

You should also consider the available pool. Would you rather have Agnes or Poppy? Are you likely to have Poppy? Then you might get rid of Agnes.

Anyway, just a personal take, you got a solid 3* roster already

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