Need opinions on who gets the scopes

If you only had the scopes for one ascension, who would you choose between Cao Cao and Milady De Winter?

Edit to add more context based on comments: Have about the same emblems for both, not enough to max either. Some of my current roster is below

Hello there! Please allow me to offer you a handy-dandy poll to assist!

  • Cao Cao
  • Milady de Winter

0 voters

First and foremost, all advice should be heavily caveated by the fact that we have no idea about your roster, your playstyle, your emblem availability, LB materials etc. etc., so please do keep an open mind!

Anyway, I have chosen Milady, on the basis that she to me is far more versatile, and I personally find Cao Cao very not-scary to fight, given that I have cGuardian Kong and Ogima to shut down both blue heroes and minion summoners.

Cao Cao’s minions are very unique in the dispel sense, but I much prefer the versatility of changing the battle that Milady can do, not to mention the additional damage dealt to all as well…


Without knowing the roster that’s available to you, I would say Milady de Winter, as she seems more well-rounded to me.
I think she could be a bit more flexible and serve different playstyles.

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The funny thing I observed is that both of the utility these heroes provide are kind of overshadowed by cheaper to train alternatives. Xiahou dun for Cao Cao and felton/kitty for milady. So it’s just more of damage they give, which is why I chose milady
Other external factors includes the emblems of course and any other heroes of the same family


Thank you for the advice as well as the poll. I wanted to make one but am brand new to the forum and couldn’t figure out how lol

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No worries! Keep posting good content here and you’ll unlock the ability to make them very soon :heart:

EDIT: also, thanks for sharing the additional info and your roster. From what I can see, it definitely looks like you have a varied mix of heroes, which is never a bad thing, but I do still think that Milady will provide a more well-rounded experience and can slot in / have synergy with all of your heroes moreso than Cao Cao

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  1. Your leveling looks very scattered. I’d recommend finishing projects before moving onto the next, especially with LB. Saves ya those materials til the last moment then, leading you to make the most recent - and therefore, best - choice for your roster.

  2. Is there a reason C. Ariel, C. Alasie, Waterpipe, and Athena aren’t being considered? Looking for a rush star, perhaps? Or cuz they’re further along? If it’s the latter, depending on your mat situation, it may be worth waiting. Though, if you’re stacked with scopes, then I spose it really doesn’t matter.

  3. My 2¢: Well, between the two, Milady wins hands down; such a unique hero, that can be helped along by your Ludwig, too. But personally, I’d choose to max Ariel (and her costume) first if I were you, as there are few healers in this game currently as versatile as her. Waterpipe next for mana control. Meaning that after ya finish Milady, these two def deserve the mats more than Cao Cao, for sure. I’d even max C. Alasie and Athena before Cao Cao. He’s not a bad hero or anything, but also not nearly as important, and versatile, as the rest of these (imo)


Yeah, I was confused when I saw Waterpipe, why not start there? Great bench that wasn’t mentioned in the OP

Probably color feeding @RandaPanduh . But at least get them all to 3-70, right?? :shark: :wink:


Neither. Another vote for Ariel & costume. After that MdW for sure.


Thank you all. I knew someone was going to mention some of my leveling lol. There are definitely some I have abandoned before cause I saw something shiny.

Ariel and Waterpipe(who I just got from this last Covenant) are definitely on the list, however at this time I don’t have much emblems for either of them, that’s why I was going for the two I had the most currently for.

Another thing is that I really don’t have many heroes that hit all enemies, just the Queen at this point.

So looks like for now I’m going Milady as I really like her buff reflects, etc… and then I do think I’ll follow the advice of Ariel and Waterpipe before Cao Cao