Hello everyone!
I have a request, could someone advise me which hero to upgrade and what should my team look lime for attack and defence?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Hello everyone!
I have a request, could someone advise me which hero to upgrade and what should my team look lime for attack and defence?
Thank you in advance for your help.
My advice will be 4* heroes first. You have some solid game changer 4* heroes like Proteus, Sergei, Kiril. 5* heroes are strong but you can max at least 2 4* heroes instead of one 5*.
You also need to max 3* heroes for tournaments. You will receive nice materials from tournaments and events.
You can feed 10 different color heroes at same time, 2* heroes for 4* and 1* heroes for 3*.
For 4* heroes
1- Sergei (he is 4.5* hero)
2- Boldtusk
3- Melendor
4- Li Xiu
5- Sanngrior
For 3* heroes
1- Dölgöön (like 3.5* hero)
2- Vollermock
3- Poppy
4- Helo
5- Oberon
You should have as many as maxed heroes to play comfortable. So in alliance wars you will find a duty for yourself to sweep damaged opponent teams and save your alliance
Thank you so much for your extensive statement.
So I will upgrade Segei and then Boldtusk.
But at this moment, how my main team look like for attack PVP and PVE?
Right now I have from left to right:
Kiril C, Kelile, Baldur, Caedmon, Proteus.
I stopped playing raids, now my defence team has only one 4* hero at 3/60. I found raid is least interesting part of the game.
Actually same time upgrade 10 heroes, you can feed 4* heroes with 2* heroes and 3* heroes with 1* heroes. When you have totally 30 full heroes (3* and 4* heroes) you will start enjoying alliance wars (for me most interesting part of the game).
For your defence team, you can put from left to right
Kiril Baldur Li Xiu Proteus Caedmon
İ don’t suggest you to put 2 same color heroes next to each other. Because at attack, most of the people use 5 same color heroes. İf you put Kelilee and Baldur together, your opponents will use 5 blue heroes and defeat you easily.
This game is based on patience, and growing heroes takes long time. After you have more maxed heroes, you will find your own strategy. İ wish you good luck
I´d suggest you to level 1 hero of each color at time, and focus on finish a hero so he/ she is useful.
Purple: Finish Baltazhar, then Go for Sergei. Why? Because Baltazhar will be leveled much faster than Sergei and is a task done in your team and you will have 2 strong 3* purple for challenges and tournaments.
Yellow: Take Li Xiu to 3.60, consider if you have enough resources to ascend her, if you are short on food you may level Poppy.
Blue: Finish UImer and then Helo, you lack 3* healers and Helo is one of the strongest, after this you will have to decide the next step.
Green: Brienne and then Caedmon, If Grevle is not enough for a green healer level Melendor instead of Caedmon.
Red: The toughest decision: I´d take Gomek to 3.60 and then go Boldtusk. With this you will assemble a very nice red team for titans.
You have a lot of work to do, If you spend on the game I´d suggest you to stop summoning until you finish some heroes.
Ishtakk , Tuck, and Oberon are heroes who can be used as food because they utility without costume is very low. this way you can focus on other heroes and have available slots to stack heroes to train 10 by 10
Thank you guys for your help.
So for now I stop leveling 5* heroes and focus on 3* and 4*.