Need help forming good teams

So I’ve been playing for a little over a year and accumulated quite a few heroes. I need help figuring out how to put them on a team to accent their abilities. Also would like to figure out my strongest defense team and strongest raid team. All suggestions welcome, thank you.

So your leveling is kind of all over the place so the best advice I can initially give is to pause your 5* projects despite their shiny new appeal.

I would target the following projects:
Ice: Triton then Kiril
Fire: Boldtusk then Gormek
Dark: Proteus then Sabina
Holy: Wu Kong then Danzaburo
Nature: Tarlak then Peters then Caedmon

4 Stars provide a solid bench for overall gameplay while also allowing you to advance to higher tiers of other aspects of the game (higher raid tiers, higher titans, etc.). It also allows you to gather necessary 4 stars Ascension materials which will take you from having a bunch of 5 stars camped at 3-70 into having a roster of 5* 4-80.

Your best current defense is probably: Chao, Boril, Ares, Rigard, Grimm (but I’m not the best person for this matter).

I don’t know…this post probably wasn’t helpful in the slightest.


I think you need to finish some of your heroes before. I guess you can’t ascend those 3.70

Tarlak, Wukong will help you in titans. Boldtusk is a needed healer, finish Triton, and Proteus as Purple (will be better than Thot at 3.70)

Defense: Grimm, Tarlak, Boril, Ares, Rigard.

The problem is that with that roster you will have problems facing teams according with your defense Team Power.

If you put your ascension mats we would be able to give better advise.

I agree with this order of priority, so the post was helpful, at least for me, so I had to type less. :slight_smile:

I think you should be spending gems on increasing your hero capacity, as 75 is small, when you have that many 5* you can’t get materials for.

Feed strictly on color in batches of 10 at a time, when feeding 4* or higher heroes for maximum value from your food usage. You have plenty of projects, so you’re not running out of one color anytime soon.

You have no 3* which is an issue, as there are certain things you will find very difficult, and I’d try and hold the next few 3* you get in each color, and figure which are good. Just being able to put a half-credible team into Rare events and 3* raid tournaments will help you get some more materials.

Team formation is a trickier question, as defense teams are simply there to get smashed in raids, and you hope to not lose too many cups, and for offense, you may be someone who changes their teams up a lot.

A good general raid offense team would have some combination of: Rigard, Tarlak, Boril, one of Grimm/Tiburtus, and a fifth hero depending on the who you are fighting - as you have a lot of partly ascended heroes. Boril should be in the middle 3 heroes, with Tarlak next to him.


Yes only 3x maxed 3* and emblemed = Baltazhar, Belith and Chochin.

@FACTS_B, consider best 3* worth to level:
Red: Rudolph, Squire Wabbit, Namahage, Bauchan, Hawkmoon, Nashgar, Azar, Jahangir
Blue: Gato, Valen, Ulmer, Vodnik, Gunnar
Green: Muggy, Belith, Brienne, Berden, Mnesseus, Hisan, Shrubbear
Yellow: Bane, Melia, Pixie, Kailani, Gan Ju, Arman
Purple: Balthazar, Gill-Ra, Chochin, Tyrum, Bat

Also I agree with @voidstrike advice.


Thanks for the advice, I think I’m going to keep the next 3* I get for each color and keep them until the best come along. Do you think it’s necessary to keep a multiple 3* teams or a general all purpose team? And are the 3* tourney and events worth it for the mats?

Thanks for the advice. New 5s with good stats are really distracting lol. I guess in the long run it is worth it to work on my 4s until I get a deeper maxed roster. That would help with war and tournaments/events. It just takes so much time lol

I find myself having a really good first offense team in war but then the synergy and strength of my next teams are not so good. It’s like 3600, 3200, 2100 for team power consecutively which I realize is not good for offense at my level (32)

I’m going to have to agree with @voidstrike here. I made the same mistake, “oh look a shiny new Peters,I’ll stop on Melendor and start Peters, oh look a shiny new Kingston…” I was like a dog chasing a squirrel just didn’t matter which squirrel it was as they are all equally delicious.
Get yourself some solid maxed teams of 4*, which as VS mentioned will be helpful with AW, events, Trials and even titans. The more variety the better your chances of getting all the AM’s you need for your nice roster of 5*
Pick 5 heroes, each of a different element/color and stick to getting them maxed. Don’t worry about that next, new, shiny hero until you are done.
I had to force myself to do this. It took awhile to actually be able to have a plan and execute it (damn if Hel wasn’t sitting there tempting me)
That’s not to say that if you are leveling Ameonna and Tibs drops in your lap, and you can only max out one, don’t skip on Tibs as he will be MUCH more useful. But try to stay the course until you have a solid war roster of 6 maxed, rainbow teams.
Good Luck and May RNGesus smile upon you (although it appears he already has :wink:)

****Don’t neglect your 3 heroes either. You will come to regret it down the line. They will be needed for challenge events and tournaments.