Need help arranging defense team!

HI All,

Looking for help with thoughts and suggestions arranging my defense team. Thoughts on the positions of both current team and future as I emblem up and level up those with room to grow would be appreciated!

Aradia is emblemed Attack
Diaochan is emblemed defense
Cao Cao is emblemed Attack
Kara is emblemed defense
Elkanen is emblemed Attack

Well depends what else you have. You need more fast hitters, because right now you are playing 3 heroes that should be in tank position, but lose quite a lot outside that spot.

CaoCao is generally not a very good def hero because of slow speed. But tank is the only position where you can expect him to fire.
Diaochan is a good purple tank, and the minions would help speed up CaoCao a bit, but still heĀ“s slow.
Aradia is another good tank (I think your best one, but Diao and Cao have to be next to each other), definitely not a wing at all.
Kara can be a good flank, but also definitely not a wing (or tank).
Elkanen is generally the weakest of your heroes, but the only one you can actually use on wing, so it depends what your options are.

So I guess maybe xxx-Aradia-Diao-CaoCao-Elk

You can subsitute Kara for either Aradia or CaoCao. depending on situation/preference/LB status. Right now I would use CaoCao because of the highest level, but if all your heroes were LB2 I would use Kara and Aradia and kick out Caocao.

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Thank you for the excellent insight, that was a wonderful write up!

Unfortunately, I agree with you that I have to many heroes that want that tank position. As a F2P player it makes it very difficult and I have to take what I can get. My other 5*'s right now are not great I have a 4/80 Loki, 4/80 Tahir, and a 4/80 Turgruk.

As for other 5*'s I am leveling include Bera, Grace, Arfanias, and Skargremarā€¦

ā€¦So as you can see not too many options on defense lol

Lots of them are decent or even good as wings on a defense team!

My choice would be Grace, but Turgruk, Tahir and Arfanias would work as well. Anything thatĀ“s fast and deals damage will do. YouĀ“d have to look into the details who is best, but I think I would Use Grace and Turgruk.
If you donĀ“t like purple tank plus wing you could switch to CaoCao tank and play double red.
Something like: Grace-Aradia-Cao-Diao-Tahir. (You even get the family bonus for 2022 hotm) Some people think it always has to be a rainbow (I donĀ“t, but some do) then you could swap Aradia for Kara of course and you are back to rainbow.

Thank you for your excellent advice!

I will start to hard level Grace and look to emblem up Turgruk. If I was to add those two additions to my war team (or even just Grace, would you remove elkanen for her or someone else) how would you arrange your team if you were me? I saw your double red team suggestion what would your double black one look like as you mentioned?

I like Turgruk because heĀ“s also really good for Mythic titans and the very fast speed is even better on wing than the fast of others.

A possible lineup would be Grace-Diao-Aradia-Kara-Turgruk.

You definitely want a yellow to offset the double dark, best would be tank position, but I donĀ“t like Kara on tank, so flank would have to do.
That only leaves the tank spot, you can use either Cao or Aradia there as you like, but I find Aradia better if you can only use one of them.