I appreciate any advice you all can give… I have a fair number of 4s leveled and almost 2 full teams of 5s. I was in the process of making Kunchen my tank (next purple project) and Guinevere just popped out of the Avalon portal! This is making me rethink my whole strategy for a defensive team. I want to ascend Guin as a tank but thought Seshat might make a better flank than Kunchen (although i like the fect hes a healer). I figured i would use Hel as the flank on the other side.
Currently, i run Lianna, Hel, Zim, Magni, Rigard as my defense. you can see - i need a real tank.
You almost have Justice at 4.80 and she isn’t that bad as tank.
Otherwise both Guinevere or Kunchen are top tier tanks but seems that your purples would be better flanks than your other yellow heroes.
My original plan was to make Justice the tank. Especially since i have a ton of paladin emblems. She will definitely reside there until i can ascend guin or kunchen. I have a good problem, i just dont want to regret my putpke ascension since i have a hard time with tabards
You won’t regret either Seshat or Kunchen. They’re top tier heroes. If your priority is raid defense, then Guin is still the best tank in the game. Unless your alliance is going purple tanks for alliance wars in which case you would want Kunchen.
In my opinion at the level you are headed Justice is not gonna do it for you. Especially when you have Kunchen and Guin. I was in your shoes, and used Justice as a tank.
Thanks King - thats why I am so torn. I dont think either is a mistake, but i know i can only ascend in the near future. My alliance is very casual - not set AW plan. So, i am free to use who i wish in that capacity.
Guinevere can be flanked by both Seshat and Kunchen… Super strong formation with no talent duplication. And feel free to add any non-duplicated fast snipers in Yellow Blue or Green at both wings.