I don’t recall the exact number, but, yes, it really cranks. Gravemaker does insane damage. Azlar is absolutely lethal.
Now all I’m curious about is how often the Class Quest will come around and if they will be on a regular cycle… but that’s a topic for a different thread lol
Class quests 2 days a week
Rotation is yet to be figured out or announced unless i missed it
Easiest way to remember is that it does go up with the attack stat, but only the stat going into battle (i.e level of hero, and equipping troops). Any temp changes during battle are ignored.
It applies to Natalya, Lady Locke, Sartanas lingering poison, Morgan, Nashgar, Colen, Yunan anyone who has DoT in any form applied to their special.
Sounds reasonable to me. But what’s your source? Lol (link?)
Well since SG tries to break their own rules/molds with just about every hero they release:
New hero with DoT that can be buffed but doesnt increase with troops and class upgrading
Should fit into their design process pretty well
I think Gravemaker +20 hit for something like 548hp (+ your troop modifier%, so a level 18 troop for instance is 668hp) over two turns, along with his initial 135% impact damage. With the speed he attacks, it was vile.
Or you could just stack out his defence and health, and have him hitting at his current rate 5 times per battle before dying.
Think of it like this - DOT % is based off of the base inherent attack stat (i.e. the number on the card). Attack buffs add a temporary modifier. Troops add directly to the inherent stats on the front of the card as do Talent attack bumps. That’s why troops and talent affect DOT but temporary battle buffs do not.
Yes, Natalya DoT is really sweet in total damage and is indispellable, so an almost certain death… but:
A) it takes time to kill them, in the meantime heroes can cure themself or kill you.
B) It not add to the same hero. If you have 1 hero left with already her burn status on and full mana again, it just restart without adding any real damage.
Not saying this to state that she is bad, but as all the heroes you have pro e cons.
If Nats DoT scaled with attack buffs she would be OP as all heck. She is already hella scary in all mono team with Zimkitty keeping her alive and parked next to Lancelot i have had her kill 2-3 enemy heroes herself multiple times. I look forward to beefing her up with more attack stat, she will be a wrecking ball more then she already is now. Much for Nat!
Mono is overpowered no matter who you use
Either way though, i wish developers would be more consistent with mechanics and effects
Stats being effected by 1 thing but not effected by another thing that does the same as the other thing is just utterly ridiculous and lazy in my opinion
Programming and Game play
I think this is a programming issue/ game play issue.
What do you do with short buffs like Boldtusks and a long DOT like Azlar?
What do you do when the buff runs out, but the DOT is still active?
By basing DOT damage off permanent Attack stat, it avoids this issue, and many many many bug reports.
But causes confusion about raising attack stat with talent grid ( add obligatory plug for free talent grid resetting ).
Devs seem to want to avoid very wordy card text, so I expect this to stay a forum based explanation of DOTs.
This is a really good point that I hadn’t thought of.
One thing I’d add to someone who is saying the DOT should be buffed from BT, Kiril, etc… Aren’t you also benefiting here when your DOT isn’t reduced by Zeline, Richard, etc? If it’s nott buffed by BT, I assume the DOT also wouldn’t be reduced by Zeline…
Or am I completely wrong?
I don’t even have DoT besides locke so honestly I’ve lost interest
Follow up question: I assume her DOT ticks do not count as “Normal Damage” for the purposes of the sorcerer talent skill?
No: normal damage is just tile damage for attackers and autoattack for defenders.
sorry a neby question. the only DoT i know is depart of transportation. could use translation
Stands for damage over time. Refers to skills like Azlar’s burn or Sartana’s poison
thank the kind nice to have not so nice to be against for the clock is ticking