My First Costume Pulls

Hey guys, just pulled my first 4 costumes and ended up with two duplicates (Skittleskull and Kailani). I am guessing I can use one of each to feed?

Also, wanted to see if any of the 4 (Skittleskull, Kailani, Grimm, Oberon) are worth leveling.

I am currently working on the following heroes by color, and would stop to level a new costume hero is its worth it:

Blue - Kiril
Yellow - Rekhetre
Green - Ptolemy - I was also given the advice to emblem and LB Belith, so I need to get to work on that.
Red - none(wasnt very excited about Jahangir or Nashgar)

they all have their usage

thinking of tourney defs: i would advise you to keep an uniform hero power; why? for example, in bloody battles belith is useless; but she will be in your top 5. and you will get matched with same teampower opponents (also get attacked by the same team power opponents). so, do think twice when you go and lb heroes since you might unbalance your teams

if you are new, thinking of overall game: yup healers first, you need them; also speed should be a big factor in your choices. but keep in mind that these heroes will be obsolete in 1 year when you will have a bigger roster and probably 2,3 5*s to max


Congrats on the 4* costumes!

Yes, you can use your dupes to feed; although, you may want to wait until the costume is leveled a bit since feeding costs rise.

As the previous poster pointed out, I think it’s important to remember the life cycle of heroes. They go from being mainstays, to niche, to obsolete as your roster grows. That said, when it comes to costumes, I tend to favor those whose special ‘flips’, depending on the costume. C-Grimm is a good example. Defense down in the regular version, attack up with the costume. While I favor defense down, there may be some situations where it’s advantageous to do the opposite. Example: since you have Boldtusk, you already have attack up, so Grimm in defense down mode might be more effective. Costumes tend to delay obsolescence.

Also, costumes give you flexibility for the emblem quests that require certain classes. So, Skittles would work in both Cleric (normal) and Sorcerer (costume). Kinda nice to have one hero who can do both.

Skittles and Grimm both have high attack stats, so that will come in handy for tile damage. If I had to pick one from the list, it would probably be Grimm for the defense down. Tough call though, since you’ll run into ascension mat issues with Kiril and Boril. Didn’t see a green 4-star hitter, so Skittles might be helpful there.

My sentimental choice would be Kailani. She got me through so many early levels! I still have her on my roster even though I never use her any more. I just couldn’t feed her away. :slight_smile:

Bottom line for me is to take a look at where you are in the game and identify which heroes will help you get to where you want to be, then focus on those. Kinda generic, I know, but it’s how I look at it.

Hope this helps!


For early play, and for tournies in later play, cGrimm is great, as is cKailani. cOberon can be useful for 3* rush tournies, if you don’t have better options (Treevil).

Example of use for cGrimm: titan team. For now, you could use Kiril for attack up, and regular Grimm for defense down. When you get Kiril’s costume, you’d switch: use cKiril for defense down and cGrimm for attack up. Either version of Grimm can be useful for bloody tournies.

cKailani can be a mainstay on titan teams as far up as 14* titans. My alliance currently hits 12* titans, and 13* rares, but we were up to 13* titans and 14* rares when full, and I know at least a couple people who used cKailani on their titan teams. Using items helps survivability, as does LB and max emblems.

You probably only want to keep one copy for now. If you ever decide you really like both versions and want to emblem them separately (I have two copies of Kiril and Rigard for that reason), you will pull copies of them both again out of TC or other portals.


cGrimm is a no-brainer. cKailani is quite worthwhile (But I got mine so late that I’m backed up on yellow projects with greater urgency).

There’s no point in keeping duplicate costumes, go ahead and feed them. The game won’t let you feed the last one, so no dangers there, and you can use the same costume on multiple copies of the base hero, if needed.

I think most people use Skittleskull with costume bonus rather than the costume itself (IIRC). Skittles has never been the most popular 4*, but if she’s what you have, it wouldn’t hurt to charge her up with the costume.

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Lots of great advice here guys, thank you!

Do I push pause on leveling Kiril and Rekhetre to level CGrimm and Ckailani?

Also, you are correct that I dont have a 4* hitter outside of Skittles, and I do like to pair a hitter with a healer at this stage(Treevil/Rigard, Boldtuck/Colen, etc.) so I would like to get someone to pair with Ptolemy.

Speaking of Ptolemy, is a leveld Ptolemy more effective for me than a leveled and emblemed Belith?

I would say continue working on kiril. I am not a fan of pausing in between 4/5* heroes. Kiril is very useful.
Ptolemy is great IMO. His passive and familly (starting at 1 hero) bonus are great!

Costume Grimm is good and pairs nicely with Tib or Gormek.

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If you already had a base version maxed out adding the costume would be quick and easy and I would say do it first, but I don´t think you have them maxed yet, which means levelling up the hero+costume will take even longer than a regular hero. Just finish what you are doing and then move on to the next project.

Grimm is a good early 4 star. Skittles depends I wouldn´t hurry with that one and only do it if you have nothing better to do. Kailani I never used much, but now I found a specialized use for her in a team I want to test, so I am putting emblems on her right now to see if she can survive long enough :slight_smile: Oberon, was my first costume lol, so I did it and used it for a while… nothing spectacular. But can be useful if you have to clean a 5 star hero in war, High HP makes him survive better than other 3 stars and the costume does uncleansable poison damage, which means it is not lowered by a high defense stat and a 5 star gets just as much damage from it as a 3 star :slight_smile: That was the best use I could find for him anyway.

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Bit of advice: Slow down on the pulls. You need to also level them up, emblem them, limit break them, and a 4 star can take well over a month to finish. 5 stars take forever. Work on building up a good number of 3star heros before moving up the food chain. Rushing to 4 and 5 is going to slow your progress. In a war, you’ll want to field 30 heros. You can’t if you focus on leveling up 5 stars right of the bat. Another good reason to slow down is that the next Costume event in September is going to have a whole bunch of new season 1 costumes… so you’ll have to re-do your pulls then to get the new ones.

Grimm is really good, by the way. Work him up soon.


Im definitely in no rush, the game and my lack of spending makes sure of that haha

I also only have a hand full of keys, and although I have 1800 gems now, I am not in a rush. Targeting maybe even that Christmas event I have been hearing about.

Since you mentioned LB and embleming, who I my roster would you use those resources on?

Right now I have been pretty successful with a Treevil/Rigard/Boldtusk/Colen/Ptolemy raid, winning most of them and taking down teams up to 400 points higher than mine.

I am going to finish Kiril before I work on Grimm, then level him,

Also, are my other two red 3* worth leveling?

Rigard and Boldtusk. Two fine healers. You’ll find they’re going to take you well into the next year of play. You’ll find that 3 star heros are cheap and quick to level. About a week… maybe two. “Worth it” starts losing some of it’s meaning. They’re really nice to have. In challenge leagues and in wars you need bodies. Those 3 stars are better than nothing.


Yes, for sure and I still have a way to go with them. I am still waiting for that last hidden blade for Boldtusk. My strategy has been to use those two along with Ptolemy to keep Treevil and Colen alive long enough to fire.

Mount Umber should be up on August 1st for that blade.

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