Curious as to which troop is better for her. I tend to always lean towards Mana (which I think is the meta?) but in her case it seems there’s a case for the critical troop due to the extra defense and the bump to health.
Anyone have thoughts or experience running both - which one works better? Thanks in advance!
Depends on the size of the troop. If you have a 17, you can knock a tile off her special, which is worth a fair bit. But as a general matter, giving her the extra heft (which carries over to her minion) seems wise.
No, both troops are okay. I often play two mamas at a time and have both mana and crit troops at level 6. I never feel or see any differences. That probably will change, if a mana troop will charge her faster, but it seems a long term story to level troops to 17 or even higher by farming or will be extremely expensive.
You want Mother firing as quickly as possible so a mana troop ramped up to level 17 is where you want to be… getting those troops there is a different story. $$$
I have mother north also and she is maxed out. I have different 4* troops for every color but green I only have the one. I just wanted to make sure that was the best one for her. Since the attack stat was high on the one I have I always questioned it. I didn’t know if it was good to put troops with high attack on hero’s with a low attack stat to help it out. Or if you are better off putting the defensive troop on a hero that is known for defense. Sorry for the confusion.
Well this just went from theoretical to real. I just got the mana troop so now I can go either way. Health/crit troop is at lvl6 and mana still at 1. Have lots of feeders saved up so gonna have to decide. Any other thoughts out there?
Way I see it is the goal is to proc her special the most times. So the question is whether the extra health keeps her surviving to proc more slowly (12 vs 11 normal tiles w mana troop) or whether that extra 1 tile sooner is a bigger boon.
I’m leaning towards defense tbh but just don’t know.